Ch.12 explain

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Madison's Pov
I wake up at the end of the movie. I try and move my head to see if Daniel's asleep and he is. He's so cute when he's sleeping. But I really feel bad for sleeping on him. He's probably so uncomfortable. I didn't mean to sleep in on him. He's just so comfortable. I get off him and sit on the floor in front of him.

"Maddi why did u get up" Daniel's says in a "morning voice"

"Because I felt bad, you were probably really uncomfortable" I say turning to look at him

"If I wasn't comfortable I wouldn't have fallen asleep before you" he say bringing me back on his lap

"Are you lovebirds done flirting" Logan says coming up to us

"Hahaha very funny" I say glaring at him

"Well anyway I have to go and do something for the vlog. I'll be back to go to the airport with you guys" he say walking to the door

And of course he takes a plate out of his pants and smashes it to the ground

"Ya yeet!!" he says leaving leaving

"I'll clean it"I say getting up

"Oh no your not" jack says warping his arms around me, picking me up and putting back down on the couch

"Ya we're not letting you clean up a mess in OUR hotel room" Zach says

"Fine I won't clean it" I say playfully rolling my eyes

"Anyone want McDonald's with me" Daniel says getting up

"Meeeeee" Zach says shooting up

"I'm starving" jack say getting up also

"Do you guys want anything" Zach asks us

"Nope" we all say together

I get off the couch and move in between Corbyn and Jonah.

"Babe I missed you so much" I say hugging him while sitting down

"Awww baby I missed you to" he says hugging me back
I let go and sit up straight and I can tell Corbyn has a bunch of questions

Corbyn's Pov
I'm not gonna lie I kind ship her and Jonah. When they where cuddling it was the cutest thing ever. But of course they other guys got jealous and wanted to be cuddle with her also so they had to ruin the perfect moment. I'm still really confused so they need to clear things up.

"So are you guys a thing" I say with a little to much excitement in my voice

"No there isn't a thing here" Madison say

"Why do you call each other babe and baby then" I say raising an eyebrow

"I already answered that question" Madison says

"I know that's not why" I answer hoping I'm right

"Ok fine, we wanted to act like this to see what they would do" Jonah says finally giving me a real answer

"Oh so you wanted to make them jealous" I say laughing

"Welllll not really. We kinda thought it would be funny. And it was" Madison says laughing

After a couple minutes of us being on our phone I look over to Madison and she's staring at the wall.

"Madison are you ok"I say nudging her

Madison Pov
After we where done talking I start thinking about how the boys feel about me. What if they think I'm a slut or something for cuddling with them or because I was sleeping on Daniel. What if they leave here and never talk to me again. What if they regret helping me with my career. I jump up a little when Corbyn nudges me asking if I'm ok.

"Ya I'm fine" I say then a shiver a little thinking about what happens

"Are you cold" Jonah says sitting up

"No im fine" I say giving him a smile

"Something's on your mind I can tell" Corbyn says turning towards me

I lay my head on Corbyn's lap and put my feet on Jonah's. Corbyn's plays with my hair while I explain to them.

"I just don't want you guys thinking I'm a slut or something because of this cuddling thing, or because I fell asleep on Daniel or the way I act around you guys." I say letting out a little sigh at the end

"We would never think that" Jonah's says looking at me like I'm crazy

"The cuddling thing was our idea, it's a competition for fun don't worry" Corbyn says still playing with my hair

"So who is more comfortable" Jonah says giggling

"Well obviously you but Daniel is a really close second." I say laughing

Then Logan comes barging threw the door and smashes a plate again.

"IM BACK" he yell walking in vlogging

"Hi Paul" I say waving up at him

"Hey lovebird" he says

I don't bother moving so I just stay where I was. Logan comes up to me and brings the vlog camera really close to my face.

"What do u want to say to the Logang" he say

"Stay savage and me a maverick" I say doing the maverick symbol

"THATS MUH GIRLLL" he says patting my head

Logan does the outtro for the vlog and he comes and sits in front of the couch

"Now tell me" he says looking at me and Jonah

"Tell you what" I say raising and eyebrow

"Hey babe, hey baby" he says imitating me and Jonah

Jonah looks at me and we both blush a little and Corbyn laughs at Logan

"Jonah you trying to smash" he says smirking

I pretend to laugh and hide and my face Corbyn's chest because I was blushing hard. I turn over and see Logan waiting for us to explain

"No he wasn't trying to smash, we wanted to see what you guys would say so we did it. I say blushing a little

"Why" he ask us

"Because nobody would see it coming" Jonah say shrugging

"Oh so your gonna continue" he say pointing at us

We look at each other first

"Yup" i say looking at Jonah

We all continue talking while I'm still lying down. Jack, Daniel and Zach come back and we get ready to go to the airport

A.n: sorry for the boring chapter but I needed to have them explain what was happening but don't worry next chapter will be better

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