Ch.5 instagram (wdw)

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Logan's Pov
"What else should we know about you" I ask her

"Well you guys should know that I blush really easily, so don't think that that I'm blushing because I'm in love with you😂" she says half serious, half laughing.

Everyone starts laughing until Zach starts talking again.

"Heyyyy I blush easily also." He say in a girly voice laughing.

"Omg twins!!!!" She yells in the same girly voice

"Ok now you are definitely my best friend!" Corbyn say to her.

"Oh yeah!" She says laughing a little.

"We should take pics for Instagram!" Ayla yells out and jumps up.

"Omg yess girl." I say laughing.

"Brendan can take the pics since he's really good". Daniel says

"I'm on it!" He yells

Madison's Pov
Im kinda sorta freaking out inside. I can't believe we're gonna post pics on Instagram!!! So right now Brendan is getting the camera ready for the pics. We decide that we're all gonna post pics on our accounts. I go to Zach cuz we decide that we'll go first.

"Hey Zach" I say

"Oh hey Madison" he say

"What should we do for the pic" I say in a kinda girly white girl tone.
He laughs at how I said it, and gosh his laugh is so cute.

"You should get on my back and look we at each other laughing." He say

"Yessss that's a great idea" I say jumping

"Are you guys ready" Brendan asks us.
We nod our head and go to the nicest stop in my front yard, which was in front of a nice tree. I get on his back and we look at each other and start laughing.

"Wait! Let me fix your hair! Stay on his back tho." Ayla says coming up to us laughing a little.

She puts my dark brown hair on the right side of my head over Zach's head making it look a little messy like I got on his back and my hair did that.

"Ok perfect" she says walking away
We start laughing again so he can take more pics.

"And done" Brenda says

I get off his back and me and Zach run over to Brendan to see our pics
We both decided on this one

I get off his back and me and Zach run over to Brendan to see our picsWe both decided on this one

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(Pretend it's Zach and Madison)

I know we weren't looking at each other but it was our fav!

"We'll post it later when we take all the pics" I tell him

"Ya sure!" He say happily

Only the beginning // why don't we (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora