Ch.68 jack and madison?

568 13 12

A.n: Comment who Madison should date if she doesn't date Jack
Same day as last chapter
Madison's Pov
"What's a pretty girl like you doing alone" someone says

"You're not funny Johnny" I laugh

"Then why are you laughing" Johnny says sitting next to me.

"Cuz it's stupid" i laugh

"Fair enough" Johnny shrugs

We watch the rest of the sunset and go back inside. But go right back home cuz I need to be on set for my movie by 6:30am.

"See you tomorrow Jack" I say before walking out.

September 26 2017
Maggie's Pov
As much as I don't want to, we have to film the movie I'm in. Since I'm here for a couple months, we'll finish it.

"And action!" A guy yells

Jack, Logan, Emma (it's Emma Watson) and I film the scenes we're told to do.

Time skip

"I don't wanna be here" I groan

"Aww poor baby" Logan laughs.

"How much longer do we have to be here" I ask

"All day" Jack sighs

"I thought you liked acting" Emma asks

"Ya I do, but today i just want to cuddle
up and sleep" I laugh.

"I would sleep if I could to. We've been here since 7:00am" Emma laughs

"And we have to be here until like 2:00am" Logan points out.

"Jack, if I fall asleep during our scene. Make sure I don't fall" I say turning to Jack and putting my head on his shoulder.

"I'll try and catch you" he laughs

"Logan can I ask you something" Emma says to Logan

"Ya sure" Logan says

Emma's Pov
When Madison puts her head on Jack's shoulder. I start to wonder if their actually dating. I mean they've had numerous kissing scenes.

"Are Madison and Jack dating" I ask him as we step out of the dressing room.

"Ha. No" Logan laughs

"I kinda ship it" I laugh

"You know the Why Don't We boys right" he asks

"Aren't they the band that's singing a song for our movie" I ask

"Ya them" he smiles

"What about them" I ask

"In the band theirs this guy Daniel. I ship her with him" he laughs showing me a picture of them.

"I still ship her with Jack" I laugh.

"May the best ship win" Logan says

"Wins what" I say crossing my arms

"If Jack and. Madison date I owe you lunch and if Daniel and Madison date you owe me lunch" he says

"Deal" I laugh shacking his hand.

"We can't do or say anything to them" Logan says before walking in. I nod my head.

Madison's Pov
It's currently 2:30am and we finished filming for the day.

Jack and I get in an uber to go to his house.

We step inside and the house is pitch black.

"Look at the view" I say walking to the backyard.

When I step outside shivers go threw my body.

"Here" Jack says handing me his hoodie.

"Thank you" I smile putting it on.

We both walk out and admire the view for a couple minutes.

"What time is it" I ask Jack.

"3:15" he answers. Then I gasp.

"Happy one year anniversary for your band" I say hugging him.

"Thank you cupcake" Jack says wrapping his arms around me.

"1 whole year" I say into the hug

"Couldn't be any happier" He says

"I'm so proud of you guys" i say breaking the hug.

He smiles as we stare into each other's eyes.

"Your absolutely gorgeous" he mumbles not breaking eye contact. I feel my cheeks heat up and look away smiling. He puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"You look even cuter when you blush" he says making me look at him.

"Stop" I smile looking down.

"Stop what" he says making me look at him again. "I'm only say..." he start.

I cup his face and press my lips onto his. He's shocked at first but kisses back. I slide my hands around his neck.

"Madison" he says still kissing me.

"Ya" I answer not breaking the kiss.
He breaks the kiss cupping my face.

"As much as I love you and as much as I love kissing you. I know how you feel about the other boys." He says
I look down after he says that.

"Hey" he says lifting my head up to look at him. "I don't care how long you take. I'm gonna be waiting" he says before kissing me again.

I need to make a decision.

A.n: She might finally make her decision soon. Comment who she should date IFFFFF she doesn't choose Jack!

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