Ch.73 woken

514 14 5

October 9 2017
Zach's Pov
It's been days, and she still hasn't woken up. I'm starting to get really worried. What if she won't.

I sit on the chair next to her. It's only me in the room. The others are coming later.

"Wake up Madison" I whisper. "You can't leave us. We need you. I need you.  These days without seeing your smile and hearing your voice,are the worst. I just want to know that you'll be ok and be with us again." I whisper wiping my eyes.

I grab her hand and quietly sing Words I didn't say.

When I'm half way threw the song, she moves her hand.

"Madison" I yell getting of my chair.
Doctors come running in.

"What happened. We heard yelling" one of them say worried

"S.she moved" I say pointing to Madison.

One of the doctors walks me out of the room and closes the door.

I sit on the chair in the hall texting Logan to come with everyone.

After about 20 minutes, they open the door.

"She should be waking up any time today. Tomorrow morning at max" the doctor says

"C.can I see h.her" I ask

He smiles and moves out of the way. I run to Madison.

"You did it" I smile

Madison's Pov
I'm trying to hard to wake up. Nothings working. I can hear everything Zach said. I just want to hug him and be in his arms.

But then theirs Daniel. What he said to me. I wish I could just wake up and tell them how much I love him.

Everyone came to visit me. Jake and team 10, aspen and Atalia, George, Evan, Lydia, Brendan and Ayla. 


Time skip

It's been 20 minutes. Just me. Hearing my brother cry. Hearing the boys telling me to wake up. I'm trying. I really am. It's like I have no control over my body. My minds awake but my body isn't.

"I can't wait for you to be awake" Corbyn says. I know his voice when I hear it. He grabs my hand. "I knew you could do it" He says

I try and take control over my hand. It's so hard. But I did it. I squeeze his hand.

"M.MADISON" he screams.

"What. What happened" Logan asks worried

"Sh.she squeezed my hand" Corbyn yells

"Madison!" My Brother cheers.

Open your eyes Madison. I feel someone else hold my other hand.

I try and hold the guys hand.

"You can do it" my brother says

My eyes. They feel like glue is sticking them together. Then just like that. They feel like normal. I flutter my eyes open. Adjusting to the light. But everything's a bit blurry.

"MADISON OH MY GOD" my brother cries.


"I missed your smile" Daniel smiles

"Lovebirds awake!" Logan yells.

"A.are you ok" Jonah asks

"Please say you're ok" Jack says.

"I.I'm fine" I say in a raspy voice. My voice is so quiet.

"You don't understand I much I missed your voice" Zach smiles wiping his eyes.

I look at both sides of me. Corbyn and my brother are holding my hands. As I scan the room, the boys give me smiles. How lucky am I to have these boys.

Soon enough doctors come in and ask me many questions.

"So was it your boyfriend that was holding your hand when you moved" The doctor asks

" what" I ask confused

"Your boyfriend" he says pointing to Corbyn. He gives gives me that face saying to go along with it. I nod my head.

"Um yes" I answer

"How did you know" he asks

"I heard his voice and felt when he held my hand. I actually heard everything" I say

" heard everything" Daniel says.
I nod my head at him.

"You May leave tonight. But you come back every Friday. Starting this week" he informs me. He pulls all the ivs out of me. I smile as he walks out the room.

"Lucky for you. I brought you clothes" Logan cheers

"Its merch isn't it" I say

"The new maverick sweat pants" he says taking them out the bag. "Oh and a Why Don't We jersey" he says throwing it next to the pants.

"Who's name's on the back" I ask

"Seavey 1/5" he answers showing me.

I smile and pull the covers of me slowly. I feel everyones gaze on me.

"Can you guys not look at me. Please" I say turning to them.

"Sorry" Zach says looking away.

I pull my feet of the bed. It's like I can feel the blood falling to my legs. I pull my self up of the bed. Ones my feet hit the floor, I fall. But Corbyn catches me before I hit the floor.

"I should help you" he says helping me to get stable.

He hold my arm helping me walk to the bathroom to change.

I wish a girl was here. You know. To help me get changed. I get to the toilet and sit down. Wow, I'm out of breath. I pull the hospital gown of me and put the cloths on. Logan's right. These pants are comfy.

I slowly walk out the bathroom. When I pass the mirror, I take a quick look at myself. All I can say is, ew. I open the door and all the guys are there.

"I'm back" I smile

Corbyn helps me to my bed again.

"Where Cameron" I ask

"He fell asleep. He hasn't slept in days" Jack says

"Oh" I laugh.

We stay in the hospital for a couple more hours. Now it's around 8:00pm and the doctors said I could go. Everyone except Daniel went down. I told them I only needed one person to help me.

He helps me walk to the elevator.

"I love you to" I say looking up at Daniel. He goes wide-eyed

" heard w.what I said" he stutters

"Everything" I smile


Only the beginning // why don't we (completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin