Ch.23 flashback

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"What the fuck is wrong with you"

"What the fuck is wrong with you" I sass back

"What did you fucking say to me" he says coming up to me

He hits me square in the jaw. I fall to the ground whimpering in the pain.
He starts kicking me in the legs and arms and back.

"He fucking talk back to me one more fucking time it's gonna be the last fucking thing you ever say" he says kicking me one last time even harder in the leg

"I'm sorry" I say crying "please stop"

"Hey what's going on over their" a man says coming to the alley way

"Run! NOW!" he says picking me by my neck and throwing m. I bolt out of there wiping my tears away.

June 28 2017
2:00 pm
Madison's Pov
I wake up shacking. Tears falling from my eyes. I start breathing heavily. It's happens again. I sit their sobbing in my bed. I'm guessing I'm home alone because nobody came in. It's feels like I have no more tears but the just keep coming. My bedroom door opens and I look up frightened. What if it's him. What if he's back. I push myself back to the corner of my bed. Footsteps. Their coming closer. The bed sinks a little and I feel someone out their arm around me.

Only the beginning // why don't we (completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora