"Mia! Dinners ready!" My mom calls.

"Be right there!" I called back.

I take off my hoodie and boots and walk into the kitchen. On the table sat some chocolate pancakes along with peanut butter, butter and syrup! My favorite! My parents are already at the table with pancakes on their plates. My dad looks up at me and smiles.

"We know it's been a long week for you with moving and everything," he says

"So we decided to surprise you." My mom finishes.

I give them a hug and I'm about to grab a pancake when a sharp pain courses through my head and I hear a voice: 'Help! Help me please!' I pull my hand away from the table and place my fingers against my temple.

"You alright?" My mom asks.

"Yea, just a headache. I'm gonna go take a nap, save me some pancakes." I reply and stand up and head to my room. My parents just stare after me.

I reach my room and sit on my bed and the sharp pain shoots through my head again. 'Please help me, I can't do this alone...' The voice sounds like a boys and he sounds sad and terrified.

"What do you need help with?" I mutter.

Another sharp pain. 'I'll explain, just please!'

I suddenly feel very tired. So I change into my jammies and crawl onto my bed and fall asleep almost instantly. I hear the boy again 'Thank you, I just need one more person.' I want to ask what's going on but I feel myself falling and I black out.

*Ssundee or Ian's POV*

I'm pacing around my room hitting my head against my hand 'stupid, stupid, stupid! You looked like a total idiot in front of them!' I pull out my phone and send a group message to my friends. (A=Adam, T=Ty, J=Jerome, M=Mitch, Ja=Jason, Q=Quentin and Ss=Ian)

Ss: Hey guys, met new neighbor today :)

A: Oh yea, you've been talking about that lately

T: And?

M: Howd it go?

J: What're they like?

Ss: Family of 3. Daughter our age, cute

A: Awwwww does Ian have a crush? ;-)

All but Ian: Lol

Ss: Shut up Adam.


M: She play MC?

Ss: Idk, maybe, she was wearing a creeper hoodie.

Ja: Coolio

Q: Did you actually meet them or just see them?

Ss: Actually met.

J: How'd that go?

Ss: Well... The girl our age, (names Mia) was carrying up three boxes and she almost dropped one in the hallway. I caught it and...

Ja: Go on

Ss: Her parents came up and I got nervous, her dad is a scary looking dood, but he's really nice and has a sense of humor

A: Ok, so?

Ss: I set the box down and ran back to my apartment...

M: ian, ian, ian, that is not a good first impression.

T: -_-

J: Biggums, your neighbors aren't going to bite you.

Ja: Yeah, just talk to them tomorrow.

Ss: =) Thanks guys

I set my phone on my night stand and leaned back and felt a sharp pain shoot through my head. 'Help! Help me please!' Came a voice. I pressed my fingers against the side of my head when my phone buzzed.

A: You guys wanna play cops and robbers?

T: Sure!

Ja: Klub Ice?! :-D

All: NO JASON!!!

Ja: :( Fine. I'm in

M: yea sure

J: yeth

Q: ok

All: Ian?

I felt the sharp pain again and quickly responded:

Ss: Sorry guys, I have a horrible headache, I'm gonna try and sleep it off. So no thanks.

A: :( ok feel better

I put my phone down on my night stand again and felt the sharp pain and hear the voice. 'Help...?' The voice sounds like a boy, but where is it coming from?

"Who are you?" I whisper.

'What does that matter if you don't help me?'

I sit down on my bed and suddenly feel very dizzy so I lay down and close my eyes and let the darkness consume me.

Ssundee in Slender (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now