Chp. 62 "Business Meeting"

Start from the beginning

I listened to Gage's tone in his voice, which immediately alerted me, causing me to sit up out of Avery's lap. I watched as the familiar black Dodge Charger made it's way towards us, and I realized Walker had held true to his promise.

He was alone.

I spoke, "He's alone."

Roger responded cautiously, "Let him come to us."

And he did, slowly, and I watched him exit his car dressed in a casual button up and work slacks, as if he had just come from work. He looked around skeptically, and then walked up to the driver's side window, and I held my breath.

I prayed Roger wouldn't bash his head in when he rolled down his window.

Roger rolled down the window, speaking firmly, "Walker."

Walker seemed taken back by the presence of Roger, and he retorted quite nervously, "Boyd. I'm guessing Andrea's in the back."

I spoke, opening my door in the process, "Are we having the meeting in the building?"

Walker pointed to the closed facility and spoke, "Yes, so we won't be out in the open."

Roger retorted, "If there's anyone else in that building I'm blowing your head of Walker, pick your battles wisely."

Walker responded sarcastically, "Don't you think I'm smarter than that? Besides, if I wanted to ambush you and your clients I would've done it weeks ago."

I looked at him, crossing my arms as I walked in front of him, "You did, remember? You shot me. Six fucking times."

He sighed, "Look, it was an order from my boss. It's not something I particularly wanted to do, and I apologize, because now I realized I'm working for the wrong team. Not to mention meeting you and not bringing you in is jeopardizing my life, so at least you can't die."

I felt bad suddenly, seeing all the stress he was under as we followed him into the empty building. He was also telling the truth about this place, it was deserted, but that didn't stop Roger from yielding his gun at his side.

He began talking immediately, "When I realized who you were Andrea, I ratted you to the government. It's my job to do so. And when I found out you had the same power as your dad, they ordered me to kill you. Now that they know you can Heal they've ordered me to kidnap you and bring you in, and I just couldn't bring myself to do it."

I just listened to him as he took a seat at a large table, which held a lot of chairs, leading me to believe this was a meeting office. He folded his hands on the table and looked at Roger, who began to speak.

"So what's your motive in meeting with us?"

Everyone in this room had anticipated this moment, and it was now about to be revealed. We all waited impatiently for the truth.

Walker continued, "I have a plan, but it's quite dangerous. Although, it will give you direct access to the Defense Department at our facility, and direct access to the asshole behind all of the nonsense."

This caught all of our's attention, and we all seemed to tune in and listen to every syllable coming out of Walker's mouth.

Roger pressed, "What exactly are you pitching?"

Walker responded seriously, "Fake a kidnap of Andrea, get her into the Defense Department, and take out General Pearce once and for all."

This plan frightened me, and I almost refused because I would have to go into it and possibly be tortured like Blaine had said. Avery felt the tension I held and gripped my hand under the table, and Roger spoke, "No way, that sounds like you're setting us up for the wolves. Not happening."

Walker reacted, "How else are you going to get your hands on Pearce, Roger? You won't. He'll have you killed before you can even THINK of a plan. I'm telling you, this can work, but the planning has to be careful. It has to be precise."

I looked across the table frantically, switching from Roger to Walker, and then to Taylor. She seemed just as shocked as I did, and even appalled at Roger's consideration of this idea.

Then I heard Max's voice, "If Andy's going in there, I am too. I'm not letting her go in there alone."

"Me neither. If Andy goes, we all go," Gage joined in, and suddenly I realized what my friends were suggesting.

I shook my head, "No. I can't let y'all go in there, I'm not letting it. If I have to go in there alone to protect the rest if you, I will."

Max spoke, "Andy don't be stupid. We're going in there with you."

I nearly yelled, realizing if my friends went in there they would most likely be killed. I shook my head, "NO! You're not. I'm sorry, but I can't let you. You would die Max, and I can't let that happen. Not to any of you."

He seemed hurt, as if I was denying him everything he's ever wanted. I saw pain in his eyes, but I knew he understood why I was doing this. He shook his head, "I want to fight along side you Andy, we're stronger together. You know that."

I knew what he was talking about, I had realized it the day we had discovered my power. We were much more powerful together, as if we fed off of each other, but I would rather be without him to protect him.

Because I loved him, and I couldn't let him come with me on this one.

Walker spoke, "They wouldn't kill him right away, I think they would try to convince him to join. Or be a Snitch, but they would only kill him if he endangers employees."

Max looked at me and I sighed, "He can control electricity, does that sound dangerous to you?"

Walker nodded, studying Max, but of course Max was going to try and convince Walker to let him. He responded, "I can control it, quite well actually, but I wouldn't use it unless I absolutely needed to. And if we need a quick escape I can shut down the power system within seconds."

Walker looked at me and I stared at Max with pain in my eyes, pleading for him not to come with me. I could protect him well enough for him not to get himself killed, but accidents happen and I could slip up.

And Max couldn't Heal back to normal.

But I knew Max, and he wasn't going to take no as an answer, not to something like this. There was absolutely no use fighting with him, because we all knew Max and I worked extremely well together.

And I wanted him next to me doing this.

Walker spoke, "Andy, what powers do you have?"

I shrugged, "Electric control, obviously Healing, Telekinesis, and Teleportation."

My eyes snapped to Taylor then, and I saw a weird look cross her face. Avery wasn't too happy knowing I possessed anything from her, but I could do nothing about it now.

And I think Taylor enjoyed that idea.

Then Walker pulled out a blue-print of a building and an ink pen, spreading it over the table.

"So here's the plan."

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