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The whole class period I couldn't focus. Jungkook kept stealing glances whenever he could. It got me uncomfortable but at the same time I like it. ;)

But the main thing that I had on my mind, was that kiss he gave me. After class was over I touched the cheek he kissed. Those soft lips. Honestly why didn't he kiss me on my lips?

I got to my locker and I was still thinking about that kiss. When I open my locker I saw a note fly out of my locker and bump the tip of my nose.

I bent down to grab the little yellow sticky note. I opened it and made sure no one was looking. I then read what was written..

Meet on rooftop after school 2:45

I looked at the note confused. It must be Jungkook trying to do shit. I'll just go to see what he wants.

I put the note into my little trash can in my locker and collected my books for my next class. I closed my locker and left to my next class. Before I went in to start boring history, someone taps my shoulder. I turn and see it's Jimin. My eyes go wide and my cheeks start to redden.

"O-oh! Hey Jimin? What's up?"

"Are you going to this class too?"

He pointed to the exact class I was heading straight for. I gave him a slight nod.

"Oh I am too!"

He gave me a cheeky smile. It was so adorable. We both headed in together but my eye caught Jungkooks face in the corner. He gave me a disgusted look. I ignored it. As if I didn't see him there.

After school<<

I stuffed my homework and textbooks into my bag. I also grabbed the scrambled up sticky note from the little trash.

I headed out of school and headed for the rooftop. Once I was getting more and more near the rooftop, excitement kicks in. I don't know why, but it just does.

Once I reach the door to the rooftop, I stop to take a deep breath. Getting ready for what Jungkook has to say.

I place my hand on the door knob and twist it open. The bright sunlight and warm breeze hits my face and body.

I went to the middle of the rooftop, looking around for Jungkook. But instead, it's Jimin.

"O-oh! Hey Jimin? What are you doing up here?"

"I gave you that note."

He pointed to the sticky note I was holding in my hand.

"Were you expecting someone else?"

He gave me a questioning look. But I was very curious on what he wanted to possibly talk about.

"Not really.."

I lied. I didn't want him to think I was waiting for Jungkook, plus he probably doesn't know Jungkook. Yet.

"Oh well I wanted to tell you.."

He walked closer to me. I took a step back. He walked closer to me casually which made my stiffen body soften since he didn't try to pull anything on me.

"I know we just met but I can see that we were meant to be."

I gave him a what the fuck face. I did not expect that.

"Uh, we just met like, less then 24 hours ago how could you possibly like a person like me?"

"Well like I said. Love at first sight."

He was acting like Romeo. He was taking in all the dramatic ness. Honestly I thought he was a decent guy.

"Well I'm flattered but I'm gonna pass-"

He took my hand and kissed it. Leaving me confused. And sorta disgusted.

I yanked my hand back. Wiping my hand on my pants. He look offended. 

"Is there something wrong? Do you need time to think? I'll give you time!"

He kept giving me a bunch of questions and things he'll do for me. He also was stepping closer to me but I honestly didn't want to deal with him right now.

He got close enough and placed his hand on my shoulder. I slapped his hands off but he lifted them again to touch me.

I lifted my arm, and slapped him. Hard. He touched his face. I ran off. I felt really disgusted. I didn't want anything to do with him.

While in the walk back home, I texted the guys in the group chat about what just happen.

CupOfTae: wtf I knew he was weird. He kept talking about you in first period

Rap MonEY: man I thought he would be a cool dude

SaltAndSuga: gross.

JHoe: he was really good at dancing in dance class! Man I thought he was a cool dude.

Me: all of us thought that but y'all know HE COULDVE RAPED ME!

JHoe: oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️


Rap MonEY: guys chill

CupOfTae: well he won't be sitting at our table

SaltAndSuga: for sure, that bitch better get away from me, I don't wanna get raped

Me: where's Jin?

Rap MonEY: He had some family business to do?

SaltAndSuga: yuck

Me: gtg guys cya

CupOfTae: cya

SaltAndSuga: bye bitch

Rap MonEY: bye

I turned off my phone and stuck it in my butt pocket. I focused on walking since the sky was beautiful and the weather was too.

I was almost home when I saw jungkook at my door steps. We both made eye contact. He waved at me but I turned around and walked away. Jungkook came jogging after me.

"Hey Fei!"

"What do you want.."

"Where were you? I didn't see you after school! I was waiting at the school gate!"

"You were?"

My cheeks started heating up. Making me really sweaty. It's a really hot day too.

"So why are you here?"

I asked him. I honestly just wanted to go home and eat food. I'm really hungry and I have fucking homework.

"To see you silly!"

He grabbed my wrist and turned around heading torwords my house. He was holding my wrist. Calling me silly? Did Jungkook drink some kind of potion?

"Are you okay Jungkook?"

Without looking at me, he answered,

"Of course! Why?"

He stopped to turn and face me. He gave me that innocent look. But under all that I knew he wanted answers.


He looked at me confused. That innocent face turns to a worried and confused fake face.


"I'm not the number crap you said. Leave me alone I'm hungry."

I gently yanked my wrist away from his grip. He was about to hold on tighter but I was too quick. I walked into my house leaving him on my lawn.

I locked the door sighing in relief.

Time skip to night<<

I can't sleep. Period. No not my period period. But period. Like ending. Forget it.

Jungkook has gotten me fucked up. He's been texting me like crazy. He's even tried to get inside my window.

I'm starting to not like him...

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