Chapter 25

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It was November 1st, 2020 when my life once again was turned upside down.

It was a chilly day in New York and I was five minutes late to my shift at a coffee shop near the apartment I shared with Logan and my best friend Hannah Smith.

Hannah and I met in our senior year when I moved to Florida. Turns out, being the new girls in school gives you an extra push in the friendship department. Since we were both really lost at school, we decided to go through the last year of hell together and have been inseparable ever since.

What else? Oh, right! Logan and his girlfriend from his freshman year of university, Julia, broke up a year later. Now he's dating Hannah, and yes, it's weird to live with a couple.

Now I'm in my sophomore at NYU. I'm studying psychology to become a psychiatrist.

You might be wondering what happened with my friends from The Town.

I stopped talking to them, it's that simple and sad.

I didn't cut communication exactly because I wanted to, because I didn't. At least, not really.

Most days I was too tired to even see through my text messages. Taking AP classes and extracurricular activities every day kind of makes a girl want to curl in a ball and die. But I didn't, of course, I just kind of stopped using my phone completely. I only used it for emergencies.

And then there's the fact that it's been three years since I last saw Shawn and to be honest, I miss him. I'm still not over him, even if I will never admit this out loud to anyone. So I never called because I knew that if I did they'd tell him or he would be there, making my feelings towards him even more obvious than they were in high school.

That particular day I was thinking a lot and I realized something very interesting, it was the three year anniversary of Shawn almost killing me. I still find it funny how that's the way our friendship began again.

Anyway, yeah, I was running late for work. Thankfully, it was an unusual thing for me so I would be excused this one time.

I opened the door of the little café and the bell rung, making it even more obvious that I was late. I quickly put on my name tag and waist apron and got to work. Today it was my turn to go through the tables taking orders and giving people their food. I got to work immediately.

It was a Sunday, which meant it was full. Work that day went in a blur consisting of bitchy costumers, the usual old woman who always asked for me to take her order because she liked my attitude, the same young mother I was friends with who came in with her hyperactive three year old boy and a group of college aged people who seemed to think they were in the street rather than in a café. The usual. Nothing changed, it was always the same.

Exhausted, I looked at the watch on my wrist. Three more minutes of misery and I was done. When I left to Florida all I had in mind was to get a job in order to help my parents pay for my education but never did I expect that it was so hard. Dealing with arrogant money stuffed teenagers and hearing toddlers cry for hours was definitely not how I imagined the workforce.

I was already preparing to leave when Hannah texted me. She was late and needed me to cover for her. Just my luck.

When I said Hannah and I became inseparable I wasn't lying. In senior year we did sleepovers and study sessions nearly every week, we drove to Georgia together on spring break. We basically did everything together so when she suggested we come to New York together I was nothing but excited. Then, by pure coincidence, we ended up getting a job at the same place. How we still stand each other even though we've been stuck like glue for the past three years, I don't know, but I don't question it.

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