Chapter 1

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Walk faster. Walk faster. You're going to be late. You know they hate when you're late. C'mon c'mon. They're probably already at Starbucks. You know they always get everywhere early, why would today be any different? Perhaps if you run down the street you will get there faster. And if you keep looking down at your phone too. Really? Of course not you idiot. Just keep walking. Stop looking at your phone!!

Amazing how those are the thoughts going through my head the moment my life changed. The moment when my world was turned more upside down then how it was before. That moment that I will cherish forever. Who ever thought that on November 1st, I would be almost run over by the leader of my enemy friend group: Shawn Becker.
Screech. Brakes? Oh shit...

"I am so so so sorry. Are you okay?" I looked to my side only to see Shawn, my best friends' arch nemesis. "Yeah. It's fine. It was my fault. I was looking at my phone, didn't even realize I was crossing a street." Of course you knew you were crossing the street you shitty liar. You really think he fell for that? Props to you though, I didn't think you'd actually respond to him. Or any human being that is.

"Then I guess it's both of our fault." I frowned. "I was looking down at my phone too." I smiled. That was as polite as I could do. And besides, what do you do if someone tells you they were texting and driving?

If my friends found out I talked to him, much less being nice to him...they'd kill me. Oh God...Vincent would kill me if he found out. It's annoying how clingy he can be sometimes. We're not even together so I can talk to whoever I like. Right? Nah, I don't think so. Shut up, thoughts! Wait, why is he smiling? The he say something? Did I do something stupid? Do I have a bugger or something? Or maybe it has to do with the fact that we're in the middle of the street.

"Well Shawn, it was, um, nice meeting you..? And, don't tell anyone this happened, we both might actually be killed this time" Wow, what a way to creep him out. Like wtf? "Actually be killed this time." When did you get almost killed by them? Well, at that party when...okay one time but that's it. He smiled at me again. Why is he smiling so much? Does his jaw hurt or something? "We wouldn't want that, would we? Oh and, it was nice hearing you talk for a change. Much nicer than the usual 'fuck off' from Vincent every time I get close to you and your friends." Oh he did not just tell me that. I mean, it's true but you don't bring up things from school outside of school. "Fuck off". Great, now he thinks you're one of them. You are but... not really?

"Well you couldn't have been more late, could you Emma? I was almost actually worried for you this time." said Tamara, by best friend. I glared at her. "Haha, this time I actually have an excuse." She stared at me and jokingly said, "Oh I know you do. You almost got run over by your boyfriend, the enemy." I stared at her and playfully hit her shoulder as I sat down. "Shawn? My boyfriend? You're crazy, and I'd be even crazier to go out with him." She smirked and said, "Don't worry; your secret is safe with me." She looked around and whispered "I know that you may or may not like him. It's obvious." Obvious, of course. Only she can believe that. "Yeah right, you just keep dreaming because the day that the future soccer team captain goes out with the star player of the basketball team is so far ahead of us that I'm pretty sure it doesn't even exist." Tamara looked at me with a confused look. "What in the word did you just say? That didn't make sense at all." I looked down embarrassed but holding the laughs inside. "I know." We both started laughing like maniacs until an old lady with her grandson stared at us weirdly. "So you're saying it's a possibility then?" I rolled my eyes. "Oh my God..."

"Come on Tami, let's go get the drinks. You order, I never remember their drinks." Tamara got in line and ordered our friends' drinks. While she ordered the drinks I got a text from Vincent. It read: "What is taking you so long? We're waiting and the sun won't be up forever." I rolled my eyes and typed a response. "Well, I'm sorry. I thought we were meeting here and almost got run over for running down the street. Now wait ten minutes or I'll drink your ice coffee and mine." Tamara came with the six drinks. "Help me? Let's leave; I really need the beach right now."

And we left.

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