Chapter 5

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"Yeah, sure. I-I-I'll tell you if she tries to contact me. Yes. I will call him. Thank you." Those were the words that I woke up to. "What happened Tamara? Is everything okay?" She looked at me, pressed her lips together and put her hands into fists. She was about to cry. I hadn't seen her cry in years, probably since middle school. She usually made me get out of her house or made me go away when she was about to cry, as if it were some kind of disease.

I went over to her and hugged her. She sobbed strongly against my ear. I couldn't quite understand what happened, but I was afraid to ask. "What happened Tami?" I asked again. She didn't answer my question. I guess she wasn't used to being cared this much about. "I have to go to the bathroom, sorry." said Tamara.

She stayed there for half an hour. The longest thirty minutes ever. I watched TV the whole time she was in there. After a few minutes into How I Met Your Mother my phone lit up. A new notification on Snapchat. Shawn Becker has added you as a friend! Are you kidding me? I added him back and immediately sent him a message. So we're officially friends now? I waited a few minutes until I got a reply. No. But I was curious about what the Baby Witch posts on Snapchat. I rolled my eyes. Baby Witch? I sent it. Double text is okay right? What do you care what I post anyway? I pressed send. I got a quick response. Baby Witch is what we call you. You're just under their influence. I bet that if you left, they wouldn't even notice. Only Vincent. God he's annoying. Of course my friends would notice if I left. We're friends after all. I then got another notification from Snapchat. Shawn had sent me a selfie captioned "What if you posted something about me? I would like to know if you posted about me." I rolled my eyes and made a video of me saying "Oh my God! You're so full of yourself!" Shawn Becker has replayed your Snap! Seriously? Another video from Shawn. "You just realized that now? Wow Emma." I breathed heavily trying not to lose my patience. I decided to take use a page out of his own book. I sent him two other videos. In one saying "Jeez Shawn!" And in the other one saying "If you want me, just tell me." I laughed softly at my clever play. I didn't get another notification from him in at least five minutes. Finally, I did it, I shut him up I thought. Seven minutes later my phone lit up again. Seriously, what does a girl have to do to watch How I Met Your Mother without any interruptions? I opened the video Shawn sent me. It was him (no shit) looking dead serious and said "I do want you, Emma. That's the thing." As soon as I saw the video Snapchat got me out of the conversation. I looked for it again but it wasn't there. Shawn had blocked me.

As I was recovering from my...uh...what would you call that? Rejection? Friend zone when you didn't even want more than that? Being blocked because you know someone likes you? Well, anyway. Back to the story. When I was recovering from my...interesting conversation Tamara got out of the bathroom. Her eyes were puffy from crying and she had her arms behind her back. I looked at her, partly because I wanted to know what happened and partly because I didn't know what to do.

Before I could speak she said "My mom got out. Of the hospital. But they don't know where she is. They just know she left. I-I-I think I have to move in with my dad."


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