Chapter 24

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I stood shocked with my mouth open. I'd never seen Shawn dressed so elegantly, not even in school dances. I looked back to my mom. She was now with a huge smile. "Go change." I kissed Shawn on the cheek and smiled. I ran to my room to change.

By eight fifty we were out the door in very formal clothes that made the weather ten times hotter than it was, even if it was kind of a chilly night and even if I was wearing a dress (which was actually a very fresh dress).

We drove to an Italian restaurant near the beach, one that I used to visit with Logan and my parents when I was younger.

When we arrived, Shawn got out of the car and ran over to my side to open my door.

"You know I have arms to open the door right?" He gave me his famously perfect smile. "I know you can, but I wanted to be a gentleman. And besides, when you tell your friends this story I went them all to go all gooey because your boyfriend opens the door for you and theirs don't."

I laughed at his response and rolled my eyes. I held out my hand for him to hold. "Lead the way." He gave me a smiled and we walked to the entrance.

He told the waitress it was just us and she led us to a table far from most tables.

"So...are you excited for tomorrow?" I shook my head. "Sorta. I mean, it's cool and all that I'm moving and I get to start again but I'm scared of screwing up there. And besides, there are crocodiles everywhere in Florida!"

He laughed. "Maybe you could train one and keep it as a pet." I raised my eyebrow at him. "You wish. Those things are wild; they'd probably eat me before I even get close." He made a confused face. "How would they eat you if you're not close?" I put my finger to my head and said, "With their minds." We exploded with laughter and I understood why the waitress sat us in table so far away.

The waitress came to take our orders and seemed annoyed that we'd ordered a pizza. Seriously, what did she expect from two teenagers in an Italian restaurant.

There was a pause after the waitress left, one that Shawn took to his advantage to try and get a conversation going.

"I know we already talked about this, but I wanted to ask again. Where do you want to go to college? I decided for that art school in Savannah I told you about." I smiled slightly. Talking about college only made it more impossible for me to get over the fact that Shawn and I probably wouldn't get our second chance.

"That's great! I think I decided for NYU, though I still have a whole year to decide what to do. And what about life after college?" I gave away all the hope I was hiding in my voice, the hope that I hoped he would notice and get the hint.

His eyebrows scrunched and his lips pressed together, his head leaning a little to the side, a clear sign he was thinking. "I'm actually not sure, I hadn't really thought about it. Maybe I'll come back to The Town or I don't know, travel the world? I mean, could you imagine the books I'd write if I traveled the world? I'd get to meet so many cultures and people that my ideas would just flow like a river!"

I couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm, it was contagious and suddenly I, too, wanted to travel the world. Not with him, though that would definitely be a bonus.

"What about you Emma? Any ideas of the future inside that pretty head of yours?" I thought about it and tried to think of an answer as good as his, but nothing came to my mind. "Honestly, I have no idea. I'll probably look for a job while I looked for a way to pay for med school so my parents don't end poor after paying that excessive amount of money. And I don't know, I might stay in New York. Start a life there." This time it was his turn to smile. "And you'll invite me to your house, right? Come on, we have to go at least once to Brooklyn together to one of those crazy food places."

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