Chapter 21

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There is no way to describe the fear inside of you when you get a text that tells you to come home in that instant.

You always think the worst when it comes to emergencies. You think that someone died, thatsomeone's in trouble...

And when I got home and the door was locked my worry became bigger.

I knocked. Nothing. Another knock, nothing. I grabbed my phone to call my mom when the door opened. I went inside and the lights were off.

I turned on the lights and gasped when I found my mom completly fine, sitting on the couch reading the newspaper.

She stood up and smiled at me. She gave me a pink colored paper and without saying anything she left to her room.

The note read: I'm glad you got my text. Remember where we first met? I have a surprise for you!

Who sends a person who just broke their wrist on a scanvenger hunt? What if I need to climb? What if I need to use my hands?

Well I guess Shawn would be really careful and not send me anywhere where I could hurt myself, but still...

Since I could't ride a bike or had a license, I called for an Uber and headed to where I first met Shawn so many years ago.

I arrived to Little Town Elementary School and looked at the building in front of me. It had changed a lot through out the years, it was a lot bigger now.

I circled the school and found the playground, at least that was in the same place.

The playground had been renovated, everything looked as if they'd changed it just a few years before. If they were old when I was there then it made sense that they'd changed it.

But there was one thing that still hadn't changed, a tree in the middle of everything. I saw it and smiled, the memories flooded my mind.

In first grade we were asked by our teacher, Mrs Gardiner, to plant trees around the playground because it was so plain. I remember I was trying to dig a hole to put my tree in and a boy with brown hair came out of nowhere and helped me dig.

Mrs Gardiner was a little mad at first when she saw that I'd planted the tree in the middle of the playground when she specifically told us to plant them around but she calmed down when she saw that Shawn and I were together.

The first few weeks of school I'd been alone since I had just moved to The Town after living in San Francisco since I was born. Shawn became my very first friend that day and I remember Mrs Gardiner walking to another group of kids murmuring to herself "One day...I know it."

"Some nice memories coming from that tree, huh?" I turn around and find myself facing the one and only Mrs Gardiner. I gave her a big smile. " was because of that tree that I met my first friend here."

She walked closer to me and we both stared at the tree. "I always knew it you know? It was pretty obvious that you would end up together." I laughed  and looked up the tree, it had grown a lot. "Really? I never actually imagined it. At first I thought we'd be friends forever, then we didn't talk for years so the idea of us ending together never crossed my mind."

She sighed and took a pink piece of paper out of her back pocket. She gave me the piece of paper and said, "Here you go honey, I hope you like the sur- Oh my! What happened to your hand?" I looked down at my cast and smiled. I debated wether or not should I tell her the absolute truth.

"I was running and I fell. I put my hand for support and broke my wrist." Mrs Gardiner had a look of disgust in her face, she'd always been senstive about things like blood and broken bones.

Idiot's Guide To Falling In Love [Completed]✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon