Chapter thirty-six

Start from the beginning

Alex and Kara heard shouting.

" Dude!!! You need to rest! Caitlin said so! If we let you go, she'll blame us!" Cisco shouted.

" I don't care Cisco! I need to see her! I need to see that she's alright!!" he yelled as he got up from the bed.

Wally tried holding him down, but Mon-el was too strong to be held down.

He rushed towards the med bay as he caught sight of Alex, but Cisco cut him off.

"Dude, don't make me hurt you!" Cisco threatened, with his right hand up.

" Dude.....don't make me hurt you!!!" he retaliated.

Cisco put his hand down. He knew when to pick his battles as he stepped out of the daxamite's way.

" Good point." Wally said as he and Cisco left him to go to Kara.

Mon-el was still slightly dizzy and his chest was tight with pain, but he managed to make his way to the other side of the room by holding onto the walls.

Alex saw him struggling so she immediately walked towards him and put one hand on his shoulder to steady him. She maneuvered him to Kara's bed and made him sit down.

Mon-el looked up to see Kara's eyes on him. They were a mixture of sadness, relief and a little bit confused.

"Kara." he spoke, as he reached for her hand.

" How are you feeling?" he asked as he took in her pale complexion.

" I should ask you the same thing. What happened to you?" she asked.

" It's not important. I just want to know that you're okay now." he said, looking down quickly.

" I'll be fine." Kara looked sighed sadly.

" Yeah, Mon-el it's not important, except the part you didn't mention where you almost got a heart attack." Alex shrugged sarcastically.

That got Kara's attention.

"What??!!" she asked.

" I'm fine! Don't worry about me." he said.

" Will someone tell me what's going on?" Kara asked.

" Your Romeo over here who isn't giving himself credit, is the one that saved your life. At the expense of his own. Not that he cares." Alex said.

Kara still looked confused.

" He punched through the electrified wall repeatedly to get to you. And because of that, his heart absorbed a lot of electricity. That's why he looks like he is about to fall on his face." Alex said.

" Hey!" Mon-el yelled.

" Well I'll leave you two alone now. But before I go, Mon-el, thank you for saving my sister's life." she said touching his shoulder.

Mon-el smiled, " Always."

With that Alex left Kara to glare at Mon-el really harshly.

" Hi." he said innocently.

Kara sat up in her bed and motioned for Mon-el to come to her.

He grinned. He thought he was getting a hug so he didn't see the slap fly out of nowhere and hit him on his shoulder.

"Ow!!" he held his arm.

" Don't ever do that again!!!! You could've gotten yourself killed!!!" she shouted.

"Kara, I'm......." he started to apologize but she grabbed him immediately and gave him a bone crushing hug.

" But thank you for saving me. I know I wouldn't be alive now if it wasn't for you." she said, with her tears spilling over her eyes.

Mon-el hugged her back but not too tightly since she was probably still in pain.

" Kara, you don't need to thank me. I would do it again if I had to. You mean everything to me." he said as he pulled out of the hug.

He brought his thumbs up and swept her tears to the sides of her face.

" I love you Kara. I honestly don't know what I would've done of anything happened to you." he confessed.

Her lips twitched upwards as she leant in and captured his lips in a kiss. Mon-el responded immediately as he moved his mouth against hers. It wasn't a long kiss but it was a meaningful one.

" I love you too you idiot." she laughed.

Mon-el grinned as Kara lied back down and he pulled his chair closer to her.

" Are you okay?" Kara asked.

" Aside from feeling like I got kicked in the chest I'm fine." he said nonchalantly.

" What about you?" he asked.

" My injuries are almost healed." she sighed.

" That's not what I meant." he said.

Kara looked down.

" I don't think I can face Dendron again. Not after he made me feel so helpless." she admitted.

" Hey, you don't worry about him. I'll help the team. You just focus on getting better." he comforted.

"No way. You're already in pain! I'm Supergirl! I should be able to fight anyone who opposes me." she said deflated.

" Kara, you don't have to be strong all the time. There's no shame in taking a break. Besides I'm not letting you near that guy until we know for sure he doesn't have any more kryptonite up his sleeve." he said.

" But....."

"No buts!!! You just rest. I'll be Supergirl until you're back on your feet." he grinned.

" Oh really?" she challenged.

" Well, if the suit fits." he grinned.

"Hey, get some rest. I'm gonna check in with the others." he said as he placed a kiss on her forehead before he left.

Mon-el walked into the cortex where everyone else was waiting.

" How's she doing?" Barry asked.

" She'll be fine but she's still a little shook about what happened." he sighed.

" Dendron is still out there so we need to stop him." Iris said.

" After what he did to Kara, I get the first shot." Mon-el demanded.

Hey guys what did you think of the new episode??? I wanted to cry when she thought he was dead.😥😥😥 Lemme know what you think!!


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