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Jadesola was someone I never liked long before I met her. It might be because of the stories I have heard about her from Amatullah. When I met her, she was nice and friendly to me but I saw through her act. Everything was fake. There was a crook in her smile. Her tongue got no control. It was a loose tap. She speaks without thinking nor does she care about how her words can affect people. She just called my wife and I a mad couple and she did not see anything wrong in that.

Mad couple! Really! The words kept buzzing in my head. Amatullah is not mad. I have read about her condition online and there are a lot of things I was yet to learn about it. I needed a professional to explain better to me. The little I knew told me she's in denial and her denial is a defense mechanism against grief and loss. She was grieving and to protect herself from the trauma that would arise from the loss of our pregnancy, she went into denial. She can't live or bear the pain that will come with the realisation of our loss.

My jaw clamped tight like a padlock was holding it to my upper lip. I pinned my cold eyes on Jade. I have had enough of her. I opened my lips to give her a piece of my mind but Sewa beat me to it.

"That's enough, Jade." Sewa spoke, her face showed how she does not approve of everything Jadesola was doing and saying. "You have spoken enough. Do you always have to get pleasure in making other people angry and bitter? Do you always have to enjoy seeing people in pain?"

"Not everyone, Sewa. It's just her. By the way" She shrugged. "Half of what I said was the truth"

So this is personal.

There was no remorse in Jade's body language. What I saw was a woman who does not care. She believes she's right and never wrong. What happened had something to do with personal feelings she has for Amatullah. Hatred! Pure hatred! Why? Amatullah does not like her but she can never wish bad for her. If I should stay for another minute, Jade will not be pleased with what I am going to say. I need to get out of here. I turned to Amatullah.

My heart stopped at the sight of my wife. "You....you.....you.....I.....I...." Amatullah struggled to speak, a hand pointed at Jade.

This is not good. Something's wrong. Amy looks like she was trying to breathe. I can tell from the way her chest rose and fell with force and from the sharp intake of air. Her body was trembling. She started to turn pale.

"Amatullah." I hurried towards her to get hold of her. "Amy." I held her to my side.


"You need to calm down." The organ in my chest flipped then started to gallop. Fear crept into my body, fear of the unknown. She went rigid in my arms. Many thoughts sped in my head in seconds. "Amatullah." I shouted her name. "You need to breathe!"

But it was too late. She let out a scream, raw from within, from the depth of her crushed soul.

"I am pregnant." She shouted, wiggling in my arms. There was something different in her strength. I could feel her bones become stronger, muscles get rigid.

Jade stood affix at the spot she was, her eyes wide with horror. Sewa crouched down next to Amatullah, both of us shouting my wife's name.

That moment was scary. It was that moment you feel helpless. You do not know what to say. Your soul's crushing at the sight of your loved one screaming like she has lost her mind. There's nothing you can do to help her. You see her pain in her teary red rimmed eyes. You felt it because it has become a part of you. You can see the effect of what the past has done to her, a past she has refused to let go and heal from, how much she has been struggling with.

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