Dear Reader

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Dear reader,

A promise from my heart is not just a tale of love. It is a saga of family, friendship, mental health and many other things. It divulges that love is kind, honest, peaceful, truthful and forgiving. Love is support in hard times, a bittersweet experience. Love is flawed. It is the little things that seem so insignificant. It is actions and efforts, intentional and thoughtful, not words.

That fathers are equally important and needed in a child's life. A father's love is different but it can also be affectionate, expressive and supportive. It contributes as much to a to a child's growth as that of a mother.

That family should give security. Family is an emotion that should conjure the sense of love and belonging in anyone. It is selflessness, genuine care and worry for you. It is not limited to a bond made by blood. And friendship is loyalty. It should be a safe space where you can be you without being forced or compelled to change. Friends would accept every part of your shortcomings and oddities. They help you grow and tell you the truth even when it grates your ears. 

That grief is a slow and painful journey which you do not move on from but move on with. It disrupts your normal and you are forced to create a new normal. Grief is a bone-crushing, heart wrenching and crippling incident. Time won't heal you but you will find the peace you always wanted.

In general, every life occurrence toughens you up. It will get better. There's something good coming after that life challenge. And it is okay to not have it all together. It is okay to feel stuck in a place. It is okay to not be perfect. Nobody is. It is okay to be different. We all make mistakes and that's fine as long as we learn from it. Love is a beautiful thing with the right set of persons. It comes in different shapes, sizes and forms.

Dear reader, thank you. Thank you for going through this journey with me. Recognising that you are sincerely interested in this work of mine made the experience more exciting. This book won't be where it is without you. Together, we have brought this book this far. I appreciate you. I hope it was a mind-blowing read that has left a piece of itself with you.

With love,


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