When we got back to the party it was around 3 in the morning and people were already starting to doze off and pass out on the floor.

"Jesus fucking Christ.", Niall mumbled when he saw Zayn passed out on the armchair, curled in a position that would definitely kill him in the morning.

"Is anyone else actually sober?", I asked Niall as I looked around the living room, then walked over to the light switch so I could turn on the light and see properly.

A few groans were heard when I turned on the light. I spotted Chris and Chloe on the couch, cuddling and Josh hanging half off the side.

"There are a few more people outside that are still on their feet, 'm gonna send them home because I want to fucking sleep.", he mumbled and pushed Bryan off the pool table.

He groaned but went back to sleep and I rolled my eyes because typical. I grabbed a new water bottle from the bar and sat down on a stool, crossing my ankles.

I craned my head to see Niall push three boys from Five Seconds of Summer into the living room.

"I called you a cab, go home.", Niall rudely told them and okay, now I had to intervene.

Because Niall was being rude, not because I wanted to make conversation with Michael, Ashton or Calum

"Niall, don't be rude.", I said and swatted his arm, smiling up at Calum.

"Luke's asleep on one of your lounge chairs, I hope you won't mind.", Ashton told Niall as they got dressed.

"Just go before I'm going to pass out.", Niall said and I crossed my arms.

Niall sighed and pulled the wallet out of his back pocket, and handed Michael a twenty dollar bill.

"Here. Get home safe.", he said and ran a hand through his hair.

The boys thanked him and hugged me goodbye.

Also, I didn't die when Calum pressed a kiss to my cheek, Ashton rubbed my back and Michael patted my hair.

Niall exhaled and dropped himself on the first step.

"You tired babe?", I asked and he opened his legs so I could stand between them.

"Yeah...", he trailed off and gripped into my hips, pulling me closer so he could bury his face in my stomach.

"Why don't you go upstairs and I'll just make sure to close up?", I asked and ran my hands through his fluffy hair.

"You're the best.", he said, pulling his head back so he could smile up at me.

"I actually am.", I replied and he squeezed my bum before he got up and walked up the stairs.

I made a tour of the garden, making sure everyone was okay in the place they passed out, then I turned off all the lights and locked the door.

Then I walked up the stairs and smiled when I pushed the door open to Niall's room, just to see him laying on his back, arms and legs stretched out like a starfish.

His socks and shoes were on the floor already, together with his jacket.

"Niallllll...", I stretched the sound out as I took my shoes off and let them fall at the foot of the bed.


"You have to actually get undressed if you want to sleep comfortably."

"Please just let me sleep, I'm so fucking tired."

I hopped on my knees on the bed and struggled to turn him on his back. He blinked up at me with hazy blue eyes and I could see he was so tired. But he kind of looked incredibly cute and innocent.

The One That Got Away (Punk Frat Boy Niall)Where stories live. Discover now