is that girl me? or is it My death?

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They say, the path we walk is one of many. Do we walk the path? Or are we just pulled by whims. If we would see the many possibilities would we change? Or would knowing push us down the very path we wish to avoid? Ah, how sweet that could be.

"Sesshomaru!" I screamed. Before I could assist him in any way, something grabbed me. It wrapped its cold arms around me, making it impossible to fight back as it pulled me into a black hole.

"I won't let you!" someone cut the space between me and the being trying to steal me away. I struggled to keep my balance as I turned around to see what was happening. A girl stood before me. She looked a lot like me, but her eyes were a beautiful blue, while mine were and equly beautiful green. And her hair was a dull red compared to mine. My hair went past my middle back, hers rested above her shoulders. Looking at the girl before me, she looked as If she could be my sister.

"Who... Who are you?" the girl took in my sight, as if seeing me was a blessing. A few tears fell before she could wipe them away. I could only watch, amazed that this beautiful girl could cry so elegantly.

"I get it now." she whispered, no to me or anyone here. Her gaze lingered on me as her mind wandered else where. To the person that bar whisper was meant for, perhaps? "This is the right choice. No... this is the only option, if it is not now, then there is no future." the girl walked up to me, kissing my cheek. "Find a way to save the present, leave the past as it is. It will only hurt more people if you can't save today."

"What?" the girl laughed as she burned the memory of me in her mind. Question after question flooded my mind for her. Yet, nothing back out.She slowly dissolve into mist. "Wait! Who are you?" I tried to grab her hand, but only to have my hand go right through hers. Both of us looked at our hands. She only laughed.

"Me? Well I'm you..." she completely vanished. As if she no longer had a reason for being there, or said all that was necessary. The mist swirled around me, filling me with a deep sense of happiness and fulfillment. For just a moment, I felt as if I lived a very long and happy life, but also fill with lots of regrets.

I took a deep breath, holding on to all of those emotions, sorting out my feelings from hers. Where is she? When will I see her again? Will she be happy when I do? Inside, I could feel my child, despite being so small, and so weak, he was able to settle everything in my heart and mind. My hands fluttered down to him, caressing where he was inside me. A smile on my sad lips.

"I see. So I have no choice. I'll just have to kill you now." a man stood in front of me. His hair long black and beautiful, and familiar. He wore Roman robes. Just like the dragon God's, he looked and felt powerful. But he was scared. Abandoning the innocent moment with my unborn child, I raised my blade to him. It hovered only a few hairs from his throat. "That child is foolish to think that stopping me there would change anything. I have gone back time and time again, and I will do so until my fate is set right." his breathing was heavy, mentally he was finished.

"I don't know who you are, nor do I care. That girl who says she me stopped you for a good reason. Whatever reason that is, I'll follow it through." Aki stood by my side.

"I will also stop you." he glared. "To protect the princess, and her child." he jumped into action before I could, failing to do much damage. At first glance, it wasn't noticable how weak he was. He seemed unaccustomed to battle, but aware enough to get by. My blade began to tremble as I wracked my mind on how to battle someone who could travle through time. The soft hum of wings clearned my mind. A quite whisper echoed in my head.

"I call upon the shadows of heaven. The evil that must be done to keep the pure clean. Embrace me, heavenly evil, so I may carry the will of heaven." an imaginary weight I was unaware of, lifted from my shoulders. Like my whole body was submerged in water. It was scary but not at the same time. It felt oddly familiar. My body didn't feel as my own.

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