growing up

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Yaya pov

"Have you been anywhere in Japan?" Hayate asked. I wanted to say yes, but Ayako told me not to say Anything about my time.

"No, I have not...." saying shyly. I felt bad for lying, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

"You said you came from a small country town in the West. Your family must have been very strict." he tried to make small talk.

"It's not that," I smiled slightly. "When I was young, my brother and I... Our parent's died. I was very sick, so I have no memory of what kind of parent's they were. He took care of me, and the villagers... They kind of helpped."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's fine," I felt his hand on my face. Warm and kind. A hand that felt like I could rely on. "Thanks to Ayako, and my brother, I'm never sad. Even when she was gone all this time, I was happy. Cooking and cleaning and learning how to take care of the fragile Ayako."

"I don't really know much about Ayako, she never talks about herself. I know this is a date, but can you tell me about her?" Hayate looked at me with pleadful eyes. My lips turned up.

"I would love to. I love Ayako more than anyone in the world, I would love nothing more than talk about her." Hayate took my hand and guided me through the crowd.

"Lets get some cake and talk. Standing around is no fun!" he took me into a cute store called a cafe.

"Cake... I've never had cake before." I was all gitty for the new experience. I'll need to know what's in it, maybe I can make one for Ayako. Cake... I'm sure she would love it, just by the name.

"Well choose anything that sounds good. I'll buy you whatever you want." we ordered our treats and drinks then waited a few moments for them to be served.

"What is Ayako like when she's with you?" he started. I took a bite of my cake. The sweet soft sponge danced in my mouth. It was so good I wouldn't but hmm with happiness.

"This is so good!" I yelped. The boy smiled as I ate happily. "Lets see... When I first met Ayako, she was strong and sure. She didn't hesitate. Put simply, she was amazing. Putting it in words is always hard to do. She's like my super amazing sister that's useless around the house."


"Yes," I laughed. "She can fight off monster's and hunt our meals, yet she can not cook. She can build a hut, and start a fire, but she can not sew. She can teach the way of the sword, command an army, even cause fright to wash over the land, but she can not wash clothes to save her life. Ayako is not someone you would want for a house wife. Even Lord Sesshomaru is able to cook a simple meal, sew elegantly, and wash clothes. And he has been pampered since birth."

"I had no idea..."

Ayako's pov

"This is so embarrassing... Why is she telling him that!" I mumbled to myself. Aki kept his eyes trained on his sister, waiting for Hayate to mess up.

"Excuse me, can I get the strawberry love shake? Aki, do you want anything?"

"His head." Aki growled. The lady taking our order looked nervously at Aki.

"Can I get the blueberry berry blast for him?"

"Anything else?" she asked looked at Aki. He didn't say anything. "I'll put your order in." The next hour was spent watching the two talk about me. I sipped on my shake hoping that things would work out in all our favors. Maybe things would be better if he fell in love with Yaya, and Aki could find love, and then I wouldn't have to worry about them being alone when I leave again.

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