Chapter 11- The past reviled

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This chapter has included character called Jeffrey_(yes I made him up)

*with Lucy*
I slowly opened my eyes and felt my head spin.
Lucy- what happened ?
Jeffrey-  glad to see you awake lady Lucy.
Lucy- where am I ? And wok are you?
Jeffrey-  your in my basement silly don't tell me you already forgot you belong to me ...
Lucy-  no no no that's just a dream this isn't happening.
Jeffrey-  ah I see you remember your old owner Jeffrey.
Lungs face went  white she was scared Jeffrey bought her on an girls auction after Jellal left her.
Lucy- no no no your not real, im gonna wake up and everything will be alright.
Jeffrey-  don't think that anyone will rescue you, its almost lunchtime and my spy told me that all your tiny little friends are at school , they all think that your so upset about your friends betrayal that you decided to skip school today and the fact that you where going to meet up with someone at night.
Lucy- no! Your lying! - said and cried
Jeffrey-  oh don't think that your brother cares he was the one who gave a price fir you seven years ago.- smirked.
Lucy- Jellal would never do anything like that.
Jeffrey-  oh he sure did it was cheaper buy ever.
Lucy- your lying !!!
Jeffrey-  don't worry child you won't remember any of these things in the morning.
Lucy - what do you mean?
Jeffrey-  im gonna change your memory a bit you won't remember your stupid friends , but you will remember your brother as a person who sold you. And well me as the person who rescued you- said smiling
Lucy- I will never....
Jeffrey injected something into Lucy's arm causing her to go to sleel.
Jeffrey-  when you wake up you will be a better version of yourself my child...

*back at school*
Ezra- what do you mean kidnapped ?
Natsu- this morning when Incas walking to school someone yelled my name really fast like someone been rushing when I turned around I didn't see anyone familiar, so I just turned back around but there was a blonde girl who just fainted and that weird guy ...
Jellal- what did he look like ?
Natsu - about 6'2 black hair a scar on his face.
Jellal-  do you remember anything else, no but im positive thug this was Lucy.
Gajeel- if bunny girl needs help then count me in.
Ezra, Levi, Juvia, Mira, Evergreen and Lisanna all said that they want to go too.
Natsu- Jellal...when we gonna get Lucy back im gonna tell you everything ...
Jellal- why not now ?
Natsu- because there is too many people watching plus I want Lucy to be there too.
Mira- I totally ship that! What are we gonna call them?
Lisanna-  aren't you forgetting something?
Mira- what?
Lisanna- remember what Lucy told us when we asked her about Natsu the other day?
Jellal- wait why where you guys talking about Natsu anyway?
Natsu - it doesn't matter now if non of you are helping me rescue Lucy then I'll have to do it myself you coming happy ?
Happy- yay sir.
Jellal - wait Natsu im coming too.
Erza- Me, Cana and Wendy are coming too.
Laxsus- there's no way we are missing that Mira are you coming? - she nodded-
Everybody made their way outside school
Gajeel-  okay what now does anyone have any idea where do we start.
Erza- no idea....
Jellal - well what's your big plan Natsu
Natsu - well ....I don't have one
Jellal- great... Just great how do you expect to find Lucy without a plan?
Natsu - I don't know but we got to find her ....
Gajeel-  well mabay we should just follow the tracks
Laxsus-  what tracks ?
Gajeel-  the ones over there ....*points at the road*
Natsu- well that's the only plan we got lets go.
Tube group of friends where walking for an hour following the track they found until they got to a big villa ...
Natsu- that's it that's the car I saw in the morning
Erza- hold on Lucy we are coming for you..!
Gajeel-  what are we waiting for lets get our bunny girl back and lets get out of here!
They walked towards the villa but as soon as they crossed the gate an loud alarm sounded and a tall man about 6'2 walked out the door.
Jellal- Sting!? what r ya doing here ?
Natsu- isn't that Lucy's friend?
Jellal- well yes .... But how?
Sting- guards get them out of here*Natsu runs and his in the bushes*
Sting-  wow and apparently he saved Lucy at the party the other day, what a joke.
Jellal- what do you mean save her?
Sting- u will find out soon enoth , guards take them to the basement
Guard 1- but what about ....
Sting- she's out already we began the process when she wakes up it will be done .
Jellal- what have you done to my sister!?
Guards pushed them all the way to the basement and locks away behind the bars. The guards leave but sting stayed.
Jellal - what on earth have you done to Lucy !!!?
Sting- oh I didn't do anything you did.
Erza- and how on earth would Jellal be involved in that ?
Sting - glad you asked, you see Mr. Heartfilia send Jellal away for a sumer camp seven years ago, remember?
Jellal- what does my summer camp has to do with any of this ?
Jeffrey-  oh Jellal my dear glad to see you again ...
Jellal- how??!- he looked shocked.
Jeffrey-  Sting could you go check up on our guest please?
Sting- yes master.*he disappears into the corridor*
Jeffrey-  now ...
Jellal-  where's my sister!?
I see you don't remember.-said Jeffrey with disappointment
Gajeel- what's going on in here
Jeffrey- I guess I can tell you its not like you will stop me. Long time ago when Jellal was send away I was one of his camp teachers I was teaching him finance I asked him how much is his sister worth if she would be kiddnaped.
Erza - what did he say?
Jeffrey-  you see other kids said millions, not for sale, any money in the world, but Jellal he said that he would sell his sister for $100 if it would be up to him *everybody looks at Jellal with the what-the-hell look*
Jellal- I was young and I was arguing with her all the time
Jeffrey- it was the cheaper buy of my life.
Wendy- what do you mean buy?
Jeffrey- we negotiated the price with your father he gladly hand her over.
Gajeel-  you sick give her back to us !
Sting- Master she's awake quickly!
Jeffrey-  itvwas nice to talk but now I need to go back to my property.
Jellal- don't you dare lay finger on her!!!
Sting- oh pleas how many times have you told that to everybody yet one of them didn't listen ....
Natsu-Erza whispered
Sting- yes how many times have you told him to stay way yet he didn't listen and you didn't do anything...
Jellal - its my fault *he states to break down and slowly sits down* I did this her ...
Sting - yes you finally get it don't you , you called her names, got mad when she got home but you didn't care enoth to ask her what's going on where was she or what was she doing.
Erza- the dreams....screams...shaking its because of this right?
Sting smiles and walks away
Jellal-  its my fault... I lead to this *Erza sits besides him*
Erza- babe listen to me its not your fault okay you didn't know that's gonna happen.
Jellal- I should have asked her, even ....wait a minute where's Natsu!!?
Wendy- he wasn't caught
Jellal- come on Natsu where are you?

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