Chapter 8 - I dare you

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Natsus pov

I was seating in her living room and realised that I was daydreaming as heard her say 'Earth to Natsu ' I then realised that she was waving her hand across my face , without thinking I grabbed her hand and pulled her on top of me.
L- if this is your way of saying thank you then I better not help you anymore'  
N- in about 15 minutes I will be dead because of you
L- and why is that - smirked- don't worry I told him I have something to do during break- she pulled away.
N- yes but he told us not to lay a finger on you or else...
L- bla bal bla its a bit too late for that and besides he told you's to stay away he never said anything about me ...
N- oh is that so.. -he got cut off by her
L- don't even think about that I would lose my hard earned reputation if I would be stuck with you.
N- aren't you already tho?
She didn't answer just rolled her eyes clearly mad.
L- come on lets go the lunch is about to start.
We walked back to the canteen and as soon as ×e got there the the bell rang , I spotted girls already seating around a table so I made my way to them. 'Until my girls transfer' I said to myself (Lucy= Lu , Lisanna = Li, Mira = M ,Levy = Le, Evergreen = Ev)
Hey Lucy - said everyone.
Lu- Hi
Li - I'm so sorry about what I said during break, I didn't know you two where a thing
Lu - because we're not
Le - but you two kissed in front of everyone- Lucy smirked.
Lu- as if , I was only proving my point and besides our families are friends so his more like a brother than anything to be honest.
Ev- so don't feel anything for him ?
Lu - not a thing
Le- in this case how about a little bet ?
Lu - what do you have in mind?
Le - I dare you to kiss 20 boys in front of your brother and not to explain why.
Lu- easy you got yourself a deal .
Li - but you can't kiss just anyone the boys have to be in the football team.
Lu- when do i start ?
Ev- now, u see Gray over there, that's your first target.
*Lucy starts walking towards her brother and a group of boys smirking*
Hey boys - she said
Hey Lu is there anything you want
Lu- in so sorry Jellal but I'm not losing so ...
Lucy gtabed Grays tie and kissed him , and the she turned around and shouted 'one down 19 more to go!' the goes stood there with they mouths open in shock. Lucy walked back to giggling girls and asked 'so who's next ?'
Li - Jason over there such a nerd but he is on the football team,
Le- all the boys that are seating on the table there are the members of the team
Lu- now thats more like it.
Lucy walked over to the table of boys and one after another kissed but before she did that she yelled to her brother 'hey Jellal, remember why I got send away, that was nothing compared to this ....' and then she started one after another six guys where down, she turned back to girls and high fived them and started to lath
Le - oh no your brother is coming this way
Lu - run!
They all runed giggling but Jellal didn't give up rather be called Natsu and Gray to fallow them with him
The girls runed along the cridor and spotted another footballer that was flirting with a girl she knew that Jellal will see her kiss him so she ran up to him and gave him a quick kiss and then yelled to the girls another one down there is only 12 more to go.
*6 guys later *
Lu- hey girls aren't all of Jellals friends in football team ?
Li - oh yeah
Levy smirked - are you thinking what I'm thinking? 
Lu- to the cafeteria , from what I counted there is 5 more boys on his table (Gajeel , Laxus, Lyon , Loky, and and Rouge ) well there is also you's brother but I'm not kissing him because his taken by Evergreen .
Ev- well there is always Hibiki .
Li - okay girl you better hurry up umyou have about 3 minutes left.
Lu- then what ate we waiting for ...
The girls barged in to the cafeteria with Jellal and others following them Lucy quickly ran up to the 5 five boys spotted Hibiki not far way smirked and kissed all five one after another girls started a count down so Lucy rushed to Hibiki
*count down *
2 - she kissed him
1- Lucy pulled away and smirked at girls
Lu- I won told you it was easy, but I must give you's the credit the whole running around got me tired .
Boys looked confused and Jellal asked 'what was that all about' 
Li- a bet
Jellal- what bet
Le- we bet Lucy to kiss 20 futball players in 10 minutes.
Ev - that was fun I think we should do it again...
Mi- yeah we should target nerds this time.
Li- this kissing prank came out amazing thanks Lu!
Lucy smirked
Lucy....Jellal started
Lu- saved by the bell ...last lesson was boring and it was home time now, I didn't really wanted to walk to my dorm alone , ask she invited Natsu to come along as he was the only one that knew where to go but ofcourse my brother decided to tag along.
I walked into my dorm with boys following me and I heard voices from the kitchen. I walked in and thats when I saw Eras , Wendy and Cana eating a strawberry cake , I ignored the boys and screamed ( Lucy _L , Erza -E Wendy- W Cana -c , Jellal - J and Natsu - N)
L- aaaah! What are you guys doing her!
C- we told you thatwe will join you as soon as we can.
E- besides school without you is way too boring.
W- oh come here LaLubug.
They spotted confused boys bechid her.
E- in guessing that the Blueberry over there is your brother
L- yes and thsmis is Natsu.
W- you mean the one that your father
L- yes - she cut her off before she could finish - Jellal , Natsu thus is Erza, Cana and Wendy. Oh and Natsu they are fully aware of EVERYTHING that happened during holidays.-she smiled.
N- hey how are you allowed to tell your friends but I'm not allowed to say anything. - They gave him the as-this-isn't-obvious-that-they-won't-keep-a-secret look.
E- I think we should have a sleepover.
L- yeah great idea , Jellal can you call Gray, Laxus, Gajeel to come up here
N- why so many boys??
L- oh yeah don't worry about that I'll call Mira, Lisanna, and levy  to come here too.

They called for back up and almost imediatly came , one after another
E- LuLu do you still have the emergency sleepover stuff
Lu- yeah, will come and help me get it ?
They went to Lucy's room and came back with a big box full of costumes and games on top there was written "GIRLS SOS SLEEPOVER"
Lu- alright brats here's what we are doing  each of you have to have something from the box on - everyone agreed and got some things from the box Lucy was wearing a headband with horns and a red dress, Jellal dressed like a clown, Natsu had a salamander wonsie , Laxus had Picacu on , and so o and on (I'm too lazy to say all of them)
E- lets play Master says
Everyone agreed.

This is it for this chapter, hope you liked it and I don't know what else to say. Potato. Byeeee!

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