Kick off

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From: Kyle Stornoway
To: Ashley Van de Buren
I know you legit hate me right now. But I need to talk to you, I swear I didn't know anything about the engagement.

From: Brandon Croft
To: Ashley Van de Buren
Would you go out with me now?

From: Brooke Sherbrooke
To: Mum
How could you do this? I thought the whole engagement thing was a joke. How could you release an article without talking to me first? You're not even picking my calls.

From: Kylie Stornoway
To: Kyle Stornoway
Ashley is in class with me. What's this about an engagement with Brooke. Dad's a bomb full of surprises.

From: Principal Mom
To: Kyle Stornoway
I'm sure you've seen the article about the engagement. There would be a formal dinner next week. Prepare for it.

From: Mom
To: Kyle Stornoway
What's this about an engagement? Why didn't you tell me about it.

From: Kurt Stornoway
To: Kyle Stornoway
Congratulations! You've earned jackpot.

Kyle Stornoway cursed quietly as another of his calls to Ashley went into voicemail, disturbed with the fact that a lot of messages were rolling into his phone from people he didn't really want to talk to at that moment, but he got none from the two people he really needed to see. His dad and his girlfriend.

He had expected an engagement but not this sudden, not as a surprise to him and especially not to Brooke Sherbrooke, his girlfriend's best cliché. He couldn't get Ashley expression off his head when she read the post, amidst all things she had a firm expression clearly saying 'what nonsense', acting like she didn't care but her trembling hands knew better. He tried holding them and promising her he knew nothing about it, but she had pushed him off, hips swaying and confusing him at the same time.

Dialing her number for the umpteenth time and sending the umpteenth text, all ignored...Kyle felt frustrated. Trying to distract himself from something else except the literature text playing from the audio visual in his AP Literature class, which nobody seemed interested in at the moment. His engagement seemed to be topic of the day even his pregnant professor seemed to have joined in the gossip, because she had been making casual remarks towards his engagement, little did she know that he could turn her maternity leave into an early and permanent retirement.

Running his hands through his hair, his eyes settled on Brooke who was seated on the next row but just next to him. Her broken phone was placed on her desk like a deadly plague that she couldn't get rid off, her eyes were still like she was listening intently but the restless tapping of her foot against the the marble tiled floor gave her off. She was obviously bothered about something, which could have been anything including her recent break up with Craig or maybe the engagement bothered her.

"I'm not considering it, not even close. Look for a way to cancel it or end it. I can't get engaged to you" he suddenly heard Brooke talking to him, he hadn't even realize she was talking to him, the voice he was hearing was probably part of the audio visual but then he caught her confused stare and fuck it, he really wasn't hearing an angel speak to him.

"I know it's much more complicated than that, especially bearing those last names" she said again and he found himself fully staring at her. He heard everything she said but he couldn't find the right words to reply, so rather he found comfort in the way her eyes dilated consciously while she talked to him, like she shouldn't even be looking at him while talking to him.


"Yea, I heard you" he said almost immediately, relaxing back on his chair like it was a casual matter for him, but the hairs on his skin were unnoticeably standing out, he felt electrified.

"We should at least talk about this properly, not whispering between classes" he said. "Meet me at the rooftop during lunch break"

"You guys have some ritual procedures to get through with during lunch break" Brooke shook her head, her eyes leaving Kyle's face and settling them on her phone remembering how she used to be part of that ritual procedure of bullying the social care students, who lied about it.

"Ritual procedures?" Kyle looked confused. "You guys?" He added again "Aren't you part of us"

"Not anymore, Ashley kicked me out"

"Typical" Kyle chuckled, then heart began his things up. "Meet me at the rooftop, the ritual procedures can wait"

With that he stood up from his chair attempting leaving class when the bell hadn't even gone yet, but his teacher stopped him halfway.

"The class is not over. Where do you think you're going?"

"I have a wedding party to plan"


So I've decided to start writing again. This chapter is a bit short, I'm still recovering from writers block I had over the months and school hasn't been easy either. I'm going to continue writing this book, I had a lot of plans for it and I can't believe I gave up on it. So there'll be more chapters, this chapter was just to kick off. Thanks to all those reading this book. Y'all the reason I came back.

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