Queen Brooke Takeover: Mission Impossible

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The school cafeteria was a place of difference. Even with the silent chattering, unheard laughter and murmurs of the students as they played with the professionally cooked food on the expensive China ware, even though most of them would say the cliche 'school food is crap'.

But with that it was quite easy to differentiate the class of students seated in that grand cafeteria with cushion chairs and self served buffet.

The classiest from classier, and classier from just classy. The richest from richer, and richer from just rich. And there were Queens from Princesses, and the Princesses from people who weren't close to being socially royal.

It was like a game of fucking chess.

"Has any one of you seen Brooke? She's not picking my calls or even responding my texts" Ashley looked up from her Chanel encased phone as she popped more fries into her mouth, her lips moving in rhythmic sync as she stared at the three girls seated with her except one her face buried in an AP chemistry textbook.

"Probably acting her own version of the Finding Dory, just in this case it's Finding Brooke" Seulgi replied with a slight snicker, but her head tilted back as she gave a hearty laughter to her joke to which Ashley scowled at.

"With your definition of a joke, I could almost guess Kevin Hart was your uncle" it was obvious Ashley was pissed but she had managed to put on a clear amused expression as she pushed a stray strand of hair aside as she was damn ready to pour out all her irritation on Seulgi.

"I'm fucking Asian" Seulgi retorted back not having enough words to battle with the queen, and her friend Kylie seemed to be more interested in passing a chemistry test to notice that Iris had eaten half of her lunch, talk less of going into a word battle field.

"Well I'm sorry, but your whore like ways doesn't exactly say the same thing. I really thought Korean girls were a bit decent and not be a sloppy drunk to kiss someone else's boyfriend" Ashley said back her eyes shooting imaginary lasers into Seulgi, her expression clearly shutting Seulgi up.

Truthfully, she wasn't even worried about Seulgi making a silly joke about Brooke not being here, she obviously didn't care about that. She was more worried about her calls and text being ignored and she needed someone to vent her anger on and Seulgi just had to be perfect victim for that.

Ignoring Seulgi, she casually picked up her phone with the intention of sending another text to Brooke which was yet not going to be replied at least not now and it made her sick to the stomach....really sick.

Where the hell was Brooke? Why did she have to take that stupid dare so personal, like she couldn't understand that Craig could have been very high on E. He could've fucked a hamster if given the chance.

But that wasn't even the question Ashley had roaming through her mind.

Why did she care? Obviously she didn't, but then all righteousness had to be fulfilled or else the popular crazy Brooke would seem more like a  tag along friend.

After sending like the umpteenth text, Ashley decided to join the girls in talking about some high class club in Vegas or was it The Hamptons, while they waited for the guys to stop jerking off each other in the boys locker room after football practice.

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