When Harsh Reality Hits

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There was a table in the middle of the cafeteria, like a lonely castle in the middle of nowhere. No one dared to sit there and no it wasn't a table for the rich elites of Lancastine Prep. They all had their royal assembly somewhere else, where they could dine and whine about anything that didn't really matter to them. Rather it was for the social care students, peasants as Ashley would call them and never minding the impact of her words.

Social care students were basically scholarship students, no one cared, no one bothered but coming off as New money or whatever the case maybe was a serious crime in Lancastine Prep and wasn't taken lightly.

Ashley had single handedly brought up the rule of sitting in the middle of cafeteria after a girl during sophomore year had tricked her to buying a cheap bracelets thinking they were from Queen Elizabeth herself. Ashley had bought a couple more bracelets after she found out she was a scam. She had sat her down in the middle of the cafeteria and forced her to eat the bracelets with everyone watching. Well that was technically impossible but she had ended up dumping a bowl of chicken soup on her head, and kicking her out of the school altogether.

Brandon Croft had taken it upon himself to take over the tradition that very lunch break. Forcing Jason Crawford to sit on the sacred table, surrounded by two other guys who did his every dirty work at least it was worth the reputation.

"Get that camera away from here" Brandon scolded Austin as he clicked his Sony Alpha A99 camera in Brandon's face.

"Don't have any plates to wash?" Brandon asked playfully whilst patting Jason Crawford like he was his pet dog, but in reality he was simply just a fish about to be grilled for some legit barbecue.

"Nah, I think I prefer getting an education" Austin replied.

"You think" Brandon raised a brow.

"Austin get that camera away from here" Ashley's voice boomed off the whole cafeteria as she walked in with her hands entwined with Kylie, with Iris and Seulgi trudging behind them.

"Seriously Austin" Ashley frowned when she moved closer to where they stood.

"I really hate your pictures, you're better off washing plates and throwing shitty parties" Ashley cocked a brow as Austin was the one frowning then.

"Or allow us to use it for good use, like smashing it on this very fine man's head" Kylie spoke for the first time since she walked in, and putting her phone where she was constantly comparing her Snapchat with that of Kylie Jenner, she always believed she was better maybe if she had a reality show.

Kylie, now focused on poor Jason's Crawford who had been staring at his feet all this while. His fake Yves Saint Laurent t shirt seemed to be drenched  in sweat, his forehead creased together and him taking breathing exercises every now and then. Well that wasn't going to help, because Kylie focusing on him and running her hands through his hair wasn't a good thing. Kylie only focused on her AP classes and of course hoeing around.

"You have really fine hair" Kylie complimented, which again was very sly because Kylie hardly complimented anyone except she was sucking up to Ashley.

"What do you use on it?" She asked holding her gaze with the now confused yet scared boy.

"Some conditioner" he replied shyly.

"Let me give you a piece of advice" she placed her hands on his shoulder.

"You have to use more of it, a lot of more"

"Why should I?"

"I'm about to ruin it" she said quietly using her best British accent. She turned around and grabbed a plate of food from the table, emptying the contents on his fine hair. Everyone gasped at that single action of Kylie, looking at her in surprise as no one even expected as much as raising a finger. Ashley was supposed to be the bad guy here.

"Do you think my family is a joke? You fucking bastard" she yelled crazy as she felt a similar type of anger rise up in her stomach. She understood why she was getting angry and it wasn't about this weird Jason guy, whatever he did wasn't really her problem, it was her dad's problem to deal with. But she needed an escape, she needed to dump her anger on someone and Jason was the unlucky victim.

She was an illegitimate child, the illegitimate girl twin, the least important one at that. She hadn't really thought much about this subject or even cared but Kyle's engagement made it more scary. Her father was making Kyle get engaged to Brooke Sherbrooke, then what was going to be her fate. What other unfair thing did they have to go through to be at least promised quarter of the Stornoway's properties because apart from the last name which was equally borrowed, they had nothing. They fucking had nothing. It made her angry because her expensive clothes and cars didn't mean nothing in the world of illegitimacy. She better be working on actually getting her own reality show.

"Jeez Kylie, chill out. Its not that big of a deal." Ashley said stopping her from dumping another plate on Jason's head.

"Yea of course, its not that big of a deal" Kylie rolled her eyes.

"You know what's also not that big of a deal, your boyfriend on the rooftop with your best friend"

"That bit...." Ashley was about to say but Kylie cut in.

"Its really not a big deal, they're getting engaged anyways. So what exactly is the big deal we're always worried about"

"You're acting really weird Kylie" Iris spoke this time.

"Saks later guys?" Kylie ignored Iris by declaring a shopping spree later in the day before walking out of the cafeteria.

Ashley watched Kylie leave with the reality of Kyle's engagement hitting her hard in the face, harder than when her father dropped the part time job bomb on her.

But then there was one more thing, why was Kylie so angry about it?

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