Perfect Teenagers with not so Perfect Homes (2/2)

978 51 14

As much as Ashley's father was strict on her or as Brooke's mom was perceived as a gold digger, there was no family as complicated and as messed up with a lot of secret as the Stornoway family.

What family did you think owned major corporations, and large firms?

What family did you think owned Lancastine prep school?

The Stornoway family

Victor Stornoway had spent half of his entire life building his empire into perfection, leaving no stone unturned, no lives spared and fighting a lot of managerial battles with relatives and rivals.....all to keep his family perfect.

But really, what family are we talking about here.

Kurt Stornoway, his first son from a woman that was probably dead. Eleanor Stornoway, his greedy second and legitimate wife. Kyle and Kylie Stornoway, two illegitimate kids from a side woman who no one knew about and was probably just sticking around for the money and for her kids.

The illegitimacy of the kids stayed between the corners of their magnificent mansion, no one talked about it and nobody from outside knew about it. They were under the facade of being the youngest in the family, having everything every other rich kid hand. Money, power, influence and even more.

Now you would ask, what was the big deal about being illegitimate if they had all that.
They were so many legitimate reasons.

1. Their life was a lie, and while they stayed out all night partying or attending functions, their real mom was locked at home subject to ridicule of their step mom.

2. Having an elder brother who saw them as threats to his stocks and shares in the company, and was willing to do anything to get them out of the way.

3. Even though Kurt felt they were threats, neither of the twins had any legal inheritance to the company. To have an insurance of a long life of wealth, the only answer was engagement..... To a rich household.
To them life was all about give and take.

One of the many reasons Kyle hated coming home sober was meeting his mom curled up in the sofa, drinking away her pathetic life and slurring sweet nonsense to herself.

There was no lie to that, his mother was pathetic. Her sky was the Terzani stream 7JOL ceiling light of the house. She couldn't do anything for her kids outside nor inside the house. She was a mistress who had to endure all the insults from the Lady of the house.

"Mom" Kyle called moving closer to where she sat on their Plume Blanche Diamond Encrusted sofa, with her fingers curled around a glass of red wine.

"Is drinking your next obsession after Real Housewives of Beverly hills?" Kyle asked irritation clearly showing in his voice.

"You're back?" She looked up at him, a weak drunken smile appearing on her face and he nodded at her question.

"Kyle, my handsome son"

OK now, she was really drunk and calling him handsome was a bit overrated. He preferred hearing Kylie rant how she knows her Snapchat and Instagram are way better than Kylie Jenner's to hearing his mother call him handsome.

He hears that everyday from random girls at school, a drunken woman calling him the same sort of bruises his ego even though that woman was his mother.

"If you want to drink, then do so in your room and stop acting pathetic....."

"Why? Isn't she pathetic already. She's acting it really well" a voice sounded and Kyle didn't have to turn back to know it was his twenty four years old brother, who derived joy and satisfaction in mocking the fact that they were illegitimate. He had never once hidden the fact that he hates their guts. After graduating from business school in Germany at a young age, he acquired a high position in the company and everyday he made it clear to Kyle that the company was his. Kurt didn't have much problems with Kylie, he didn't have to say so much to her before she went all hysterical and screaming at him. Well, except earning a few punches from Kyle.

"I'm not in the mood to get into another fight with you Kurt. I really don't know why maturity wasn't part of the courses you took in your prestigious school"

"Ok enough with your cliche maturity line" Kurt said dryly as he slicked his golden brown hair backwards while his other hand was placed in a cool manner in the pockets of his grey Alexander Wang sweatpants. Kyle had studied him enough to know that his raised brow and upturn smirk indicated that Kurt was so in the mood to participate on a play with rash words with Kyle, but Kyle knew better to ignore him or he was going to go to bed with an even more bruised ego, if it got that bad maybe bruised knuckles too.

He turned back around to face his already sleeping mom, proceeding to pick her up and take her to her room, but Kurt stopped him in the process.

"Just so you know, dad is already planning an engagement for you. So if you think you're going to be in a long haul with that Van de Buren bitch, you better wake up from that nightmare now"

Kyle suddenly dropped his mom back on the sofa, Kurt's words jolting the alert wires in his head. It wasn't like he hasn't been waiting for his dad to drop that engagement bomb soon, but now it felt like too sudden for him especially when he was hearing it from Kurt. He turned back to Kurt who had a devilish smirk on his lips, which meant total satisfaction with Kyle's reaction to his words.

"Engagement to who?" What family?"

"Lips sealed bro" Kurt pulled an imaginary zip. "You'll hear it gracefully from dad in an elegant party, I'm quite jealous since I'm the legitimate one"

"Anyways goodnight" Kurt chuckling a bit before walking away, both hands dipped into his pockets and walking like he was on a John Galliano fashion show.

Kyle looked back at his mom and feeling a certain kind of anger build up in him. He wasn't sure if that anger was directed at Kurt or his mom, but a knew a very good portion of it was at his mom. He suddenly didn't feel like taking her to her room anymore, she could find her way there whenever she decided to wake up.

Walking to his room, his mind pondered on what Kurt had said about his supposed engagement. He was just starting to get real with Ashley, he was just starting to understand her. He even had to blackmail Kylie to apologize to her because one thing he didn't want to deal with was his girlfriend and his sister at each other's throat.

Engagement? Why did he have to be engaged?

"Because it's your only insurance" he recalled his father answering that same question for him about a year ago. Then he didn't think much about it, he didn't understand it and fuck it! Even now he still didn't understand it or the reason for it.

He was rich, he had everything he wanted and as far as he was concerned life was going to go on like this for him. Cars, parties, a damn lot of money, a hot girlfriend, popularity.

What was the big deal in getting engaged?

Who was she? What family was it? Did she attend his school, was she friends with Ashley?

Oh God! Ashley!

He couldn't help thinking about her and the guilt that was building up in him was overbearing. Why didn't this come up the period he was dating her just because he felt that it was normal for them to date for the most cliché reason that ever existed.

She was the most popular girl, he was the most popular guy. She was Queenka, he was Kingka. It just fit, and he found her fun and easy to be with. But now it was different, at first he thought Ashley was an open book that could easily be read, but now he realized she was an open book with really tiny prints so you have to put in extra efforts to understand her and he he found it challenging.

But that wasn't even the problem.

It was his friend, Brandon who might actually be liking his girlfriend.

He knew they had some sort of history together or whatever, it's not like he had to be looking into her personal life, that's actually what Brandon would do. But then if Brandon was actually falling for Ashley, then a lot of shit is going to go down this senior year.

Plus he might be engaged to a girl who might be Brandon like.

Christmas is going to be eventful......but let's hope they make it to Thanksgiving.

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