Ashley's Ice cream Toddler?

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Ashley saw Kylie come down from her boyfriend's car, she watched her smile at him before she turned towards Ashley and a devilish smirk tugged up Kylie's lips as she walked towards them swaying her hips from side to side and her fake blonde hair flying over her face.

"Hey girls" she smiled at all three of them and Iris did a little wave back  even though she knew she hated Kylie's guts, but she could actually never show her true hatred for people. Being a student at Lancastine prep you have to learn the act of a fake smile, and learn to detect one also.

"Hi Ashley, I should personally say hi to you. I'm totally looking forward to a peaceful school year" Kylie said gracefully, who knew she had been practicing that line since jumped out of bed that morning

"Shut the hell up Kylie and get the fuck out of here before I ruin your limited edition Jordan's with a non existent iced americano" Ashley glared at Kylie wishing  she could rip out her arm and bitch slap her with it. Ashley knew she wasn't exactly supposed to hate her and she probably had done nothing wrong. But hey! She was queen, being mean was just at the top of her list.

"What got your pants in a twist" Kylie smirked trying to cover up the fact that she might actually be scared of Ashley, because she never fails to put someone in her place if she's being messed with but Kylie was ready to play out her cards well this time. This was a new school year and some personalities have to be fixed, some positions have to be changed and some friendships have to end.

"You can't just come to school with Kyle ruining the plans we already had this morning and then come talk to me like you did nothing"

"What do you mean?" Kylie put on an innocent expression which even added more flame to Ashley's anger towards her. "My car broke down, you think I really wanted to ride with him?"

"Don't act cute with me, I suppose you drive more than one Porsche"

"Okay, you're making me seem very weird here. Kyle is my twin brother,I just hope your shenanigans during summer didn't wash that off your memory."

Ashley sighed greatly reminding herself of the fact that Kyle and Kylie were twins and were born on the same day, by the same woman. But that didn't stop the fact that she didn't like Kylie at all.

She always thought Kylie was just a silly girl who didn't understand the fact that having a twin doesn't mean you should hang around him all the freaking time. She knew that Kylie didn't just do that because she doesn't know or understand the meaning of girl code, she just wanted to step on her toes and if Kyle didn't always reserve a special moment for her, Kylie would be wearing a vanilla latte on her clothes everyday. Ashley would personally visit Starbucks everyday to accomplish that. That was one of the rules of being a have to be mean to be a queen.

Another big reason Ashley hated Kyle was because she's a big slut. Ashley always thought that there was never a moment like 'eww boys are gross' in Kylie's life. Kylie was not a WAG, she'd never had a steady boyfriend but she had slept with half of the guys in the football and soccer team, well or so many people thought. She knew that the only reason why Kylie hung out with them sometimes, and was at the top of the social ladder was because of her Kyle and not the tons of irrelevant guys she fucks with.

Kylie was major flirt.

Take away Kyle, half of the guys in school what is left is an almost nerdy girl in the science class.

"Kyle and Kylie equals twin names. Don't let your jealousy rile you up in a messy bunch" Kylie added

Ashley rolled her eyes "Yea bitch tales. Just get the fuck out of here and out if my sight for the rest of our high school career"

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