Some Cliche Shit...

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Blackmail is sweet, but sweeter when you're a Stornoway.

Kylie stared wide eyed at her phone as she read Ashley's message again, she couldn't believe Ashley would have taken her credit card the only time she didn't have enough cash with her and she really needed to pay for this stuffs.

Ohh! What was she thinking? Ashley would definitely have taken it, it was Ashley after all.... The queen witch.

She stuffed her phone back into her purse and gave up on looking for her cards. The next alternative for her was to walk away without the clothes and avoid any embarrassment but Kylie thought otherwise. She needed to show Ashley that she could be queen too and sort of be on her good side, she didn't want to be hanging out with the other girls and having them throw nasty glares her way, she's supposed to have some sort of control too after all the queen bee was dating her twin brother.

She faced the attendant with a simple look with her mind wondering what next to do and what next to say. The first option on her mind was to play dumb and act like a lost foreigner, she was half British and with her blonde girl she could totally pull that off but that was sort of too cliche for her. She was going to be acting like some dumb commoner when she was a fucking princess. 

Yea princess, but not queen.

She needed a subtle approach that wasn't too obvious.

She thought of something else to do but because of the weird look the mall attendant was throwing her way, the word 'Konnichiwa' came out of her mouth without her even realizing it and she mentally slapped herself that moment.

"Great job Kylie, you're nowhere looking like an Asian girl" she thought to herself running her hands through her wavy middle part blonde hair and totally wishing she had some full bangs to pull of that Asian look. She couldn't even help but mentally puke at her idea of subtle approach that wasn't too obvious. She didn't get A's in all her classes to act this dumb. Now she could be able to see the reason why Ashley could step over her like the shit at the bottom of her shoe. But you know what? Ashley would never step on shit.

"Huh?" The mean looking attendant raised her cheaply drawn brows at Kylie

"What did you say?" She asked again and Kylie had no choice but to keep up her dumb idea of a subtle approach. The only thing that worried her was that she felt wrongly intimidated by the expression of the attendant. But there was no way in hell she was getting intimidated by an attendant, she was wearing a cheap Walmart necklace which was nothing compared to her luxxotica sunglasses.

"Konnichiwa, hajimemashite" (Hello, nice to meet you)
She went on with speaking the Japanese she half knew from the language classes she had in school. Language was a compulsory subject at school and she had chosen Japanese as her major.

But she couldn't really believe she was doing this, Ashley would never stoop so low. After all this was exactly what she wanted.

"Watashi wa Mei Tachibana desu" (My name is Mei Tachibana)

"Excuse me_?" The attendant said before Kylie could utter another word of the rubbish she couldn't understand.

"If you don't have money to pay you can just leave. You're not the first person who comes in here speaking Chinese" The lady had the expressions of the words

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