Perfect Teenagers With Not so Perfect Homes (1/2)

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Ashley Van de Buren sat with her friends in the  limo as they all headed home. Most of them too drunk and sleepy to handle their cellphones much less a car, and the only person sane and sober enough to drive them home was Seulgi's driver and the poor Caucasian faced man bore a permanent scowl on his face as he drove a bunch of hormonal teenagers to their respective mansions.

Not exactly a bunch, they were just four of them. Ashley, Iris, Austin and Seulgi herself. The Stornoway twins had their personal chauffeur drive them home and Brooke had gone with Brandon since he was her very own knight in shining armor when her boyfriend decided to go on an hormonal smooch drive with another girl.....a fake WAG in Brooke's point of view.

Ashley found herself lucky to have bullied Austin out of his Yves Saint Lauren t shirt because walking into her house in a pair of slightly damp bikini would be very weird especially when her dad was casually standing at the front of the modern ornate doors to the house.

What the hell was he doing there past midnight?

Ashley groaned internally when she saw him standing there, now he's going to make it look like he has been waiting there for her since 9pm, when he probably just walked out to do something weird or was probably just returning from surgery.

Now there was no means of escaping him, even though she had seen him earlier she had her room on the top floor and she could have been a handsome prince since their house looked like an old fashioned castle but with modern ornate doors and tiny stoned walls but unfortunately for her there was no Rapunzel to let down her golden hair.


"Late surgeries?" She cocked an eyebrow at her dad as she approached him, trying to act coy and playful so she could get past him and get to sleep.

"Late parties?" Her dad cocked back an eyebrow and this was one thing she hated about her dad. He's going to give you back your exact expression and you might think you're both on the same page but he's already at the end of the book, seriously planning your cliffhanger.

"Oh come on dad, it's late and I need to sleep. School tomorrow" she tried to pass him but he placed a finger on her forehead pushing her back to where she originally stood.

"Oh! So you care about school?" He copied a mock surprise, his face glowing with half amusement and half stern expression.

Gabe Van den Buren was one dad who didn't mess with his kids.

"I thought you had no future plans except spend mymoney on shoes''

Well that was true actually but Ashley was in no mood to argue with her dad, what she needed right now was the comfort of her bed but here was a doctor depriving her of her sleep.

Some doctor he is.

"I have plans ok. Now sleep, sleep, sleep" she chanted drowsily.

"Yea sure, but I'll still have to punish you. It's way past your curfew" her father added, his voice mysteriously calm like he wasn't about to announce what Ashley saw as a death wish.

"How many weeks do you have to freeze my credit card for?" She added nonchalantly. It wasn't like she minded anymore about her dad freezing her cards. She was mommy's princess, and this was one of the few times she wondered why her mom wasn't here, at a crucial time like this.

"That's too cliché for me" her father said.

"Then?" She was growing impatient.

"Part time job till Christmas, then I'll have to freeze your cards if you don't do it"

"PART TIME JOB!" Ashley  nearly screamed. What kind of punishment was that? She wasn't a commoner, she was Queen, Queen Ashley.

"What the fu...." Ashley nearly cursed but stopped immediately at her father's dad's stern gaze

"Complete it Ashley and let me have enough reason to ground you for the rest of the year"

"What the fork, you know cutlery?" She said pouting a bit but what her dad saw as a drunken demeanor.

"But dad......" She whined further knowing she couldn't actually change his mind but she could at least try.

"You can work anywhere you want...... Starbucks, KFC, McDonald, Wendy's, even Walmart. As long as it involves you serving people, have fun my little princess" Her dad smiled and ruffled her hair as he walked into house leaving Ashley outside with wide eyes and slacked jaw.

Serving people? Or did she not hear right.

How could she serve people? How could Ashley Van den Buren serve people?

She was supposed to be serve, she was Queen, a perfect A-lister. She couldn't do something commoners did.

Or was her dad trying to make her be like the President's daughter who did a summer time job.
Well this wasn't summer, and she wasn't the president's daughter.

Part time job her freaking Louis Vuitton.

She sighed angrily as she watched her father's retreating figure. This was one of the very few times she wished her dad was Seulgi's dad who threw her seventeenth birthday party in the Hamptons and even had Beyonce grace the occasion and Calvin Harris as DJ. Seulgi had her own limo with her personal chauffeur and here she was asked to work a part time job.

Dracula would have to become human for her to do it.

Well like Ashley had a choice.


This chapter is short, but it's divided into two. The other part would be published tomorrow or next.

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