"Kuroto knows that you saw him. He actually followed you there and then he saw that you went to Taiga's hospital. Did you know Taiga was following you around?"

"Kuroto found out about that? Shit! That's not good!"

"He won't hurt you. Besides, I have this for you." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Gashat. "This is your game now. It is AOE Striker level 50."

I take it from him and look at it. "How did you manage to get this onto Emu?"

"I can't tell you that."

"Would I even understand it?"

He shrugs. "Probably not."

"Okay, I won't wonder about it anymore. So, you won't kiss me anymore right?"

"Right, I won't as long as I am in this body. Maybe if I take it on longer I will decide to kiss you again. Besides, he should be wanting to kiss you. You're amazing."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Does Kuroto know about who I really am as a person?"

"Oh, yeah," he nods. "He does. You're screwed."


"You shouldn't have been messing around with his father. Actually, I need to change how I phrased that. You shouldn't be visiting his father in prison. That is a big no-no."

"I had to find out the truth. You wouldn't tell me it and I discovered that is where Kiriya Kujo went the day he died. He invited me to go but he changed his mind on it."

Parad nods. "I see."

"I should have went that day. Maybe I would have been able to protect Kiriya."

"Don't worry about him anymore. He is dead and gone. You can't change that. It was fate."

"No, it wasn't."

"We have a Bugster to go to!" Poppy shouts, rushing by us.

"Oh, a Bugster? I want to play!" Oh, no! Parad is playful!


"I'm going!" Parad exclaims, rushing away. Great.


"I heard Emu is back."

"I didn't bother hanging around to deal with him. He was way too immature for me to deal with. Besides, Hiiro forced me to go back to work. He said I had a job to do and that wasn't the job I was meant to do. He doesn't think I should be watching Emu when he isn't himself."

"Maybe it is because Emu wandered off with you," Miyuki suggests.

"Do you really think that?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Does anyone know where Kuroto is?"

Miyuki shrugs. "No, I don't think anyone does but I did hear from Taiga that you know where he is. Can you tell me where my father is?"

"You wouldn't want to see him. He isn't himself lately," I state. And I doubt Kuroto wants to see me right now. He probably wants to beat the never ending crap out of me.

"I know he isn't. Actually, maybe that was his true self this entire time." Miyuki looks down, pouting a bit. I feel so bad for her.

I feel bad because I'm lying to her and hiding a huge secret. I'm also feeling bad because she probably thinks I'm this perfect person who is so kind and caring towards everyone I meet. Her dad is a piece of shit who wants to kill everyone and anything to cover his tracks.

Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें