He looked at me and smiled. Cute. His hair looked so good. It's blonde and fabulous. I kinda like this guy.

"Hello my name is Park Jimin."

His voice. Killing me right now. He looks like a baby.  I honestly could just squeeze those cheeks of his right now like, my goodness.


I said awkwardly. To break this awkwardness Namjoon decided to show him around the school and talk about us. It was boring but eh. I could stare at his face forever.

While introducing ourselves, my eye catches jungkook. My eyes goes wide and I dash to the girls bathroom.

I get into a stall and grab my phone.


1234567890: Kookie

MrKook: yes?

1234567890: there's a new boy named jimin

MrKook: really? Where is he?

1234567890: why do you care? He's so cute and his lips are so plump. So adorable.

MrKook: yuck, he sounds like shit.

1234567890: yuck you sound like shit

MrKook: that's because you are shit

1234567890: I don't need to put up with your bull shit Jungcock

I turned off my phone and headed out of the girls bathroom. I went to go search for the rest of the gang, when instead, someone quickly grabbed me and covered my mouth. Just so y'all know, I'm not that strong. Yes I might of been at first, but really, I'm not when I panic. And just so right now, I'm panicking.

Once the person and me get into a closet he lets go of me and turns on the light. I focus my vision on the person who could rape me any minute now. Once my vision focuses, I notice it's Jungkook.

I calmed my panicking heart down since it's just Jungkook. Hold up. Jungkook? My heart starts to beat and panic again.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be okay? I'm in a fucking closet with you so why wouldn't I be? I mean really ahahaha I'm okay!"

I start blabbering a bunch of shit he doesn't want to hear, I'm sure of. What a great way to talk to your all time crush.

"Uhh I'm gonna pause you.."

I stop talking and wipe the sweat off my forehead. Trying to stay as calm as possible.

"Are you 1234567890?"

Oh shitttt.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Who the hell is 1234567890? Are you possibly making fun of me jeon Jungkook?"

"What? And also how did you know my full name?"

My eyed go super wide and I panic. I turn and try to open the door but Jungkook slips in and blocks the door from me.

"I need answers."

I'm honestly getting scared and annoyed. But he is giving me those fucking seducing eyes and I honestly might die. Those fucking eyes are killing me bits by bits. Like, seriously, stop killing me. I still wanna liv.

"Well your answer is no, now I have to get to class!"

I try to push him out of the way, but he's stronger, and bigger then me. So as his dick ;)

"I know you're her."

I start to sweat again. My knees starts to wobble and I'm getting really light headed.

"Can you just leave me alone? Stop picking on girls will you?"

I pushed him out of the way and made my way out of the closet. I sighed in relief and went straight to class. Not wanting to tell the others what just happen. I was in the fucking closet wit my fucking crush who fucking might've knew that I was his stalker. But I'm not done stalking him yet. Just because he knows doesn't mean I can stop.

I got into class two min before the bell rang. I sat in the front left corner near the door. Also, I have this class with Jungkook, Jimin , and Taehyung  apparently. Once Jimin and Jungkook came in together at the same time, Jimin was gonna sit with me.

But Jungkook pushed him and sat next to me instead. Leaving Jimin embarrassed and sat next to Taehyung.

Jungkook shifted his body forwards me. He gives me a seductive smile and I give him my ugly look. Though that seductive smile of his got me like, DAMN baby boy lemme fuk youuuu.

As the teacher comes in, she turns her back to write something on the white board. I was waiting for the lesson to start. While I was waiting...

Jungkook leans in and gives me a quick peck on the cheek. Leaving me dumbfounded.

Stalker | j.jk | ff ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat