Save Me from Myself

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Spells used in this chapter: 

Episky (ee-PISS-key) - used to heal minor injuries like broken bones and repairing cartilage.

Expecto Patronum - (ecks- PECK-toh pah-TROH-numb) - This charm is a defensive spell which will conjure a spirit-like incarnation of their positive emotions to defend against dark creatures; it can also send messages to other witches or wizards. It seems one's Patronus will take the form of something important to the caster, and can change when one has undergone a period of heightened emotion.

Expelliarmus (ecks-PELL-ee-are-mus) - Causes whatever the target is holding to fly out of their hand.

Days went on as Phoenix stayed in Kingdom Come with her parents, Sirius and Remus, and Cedric Diggory. Though she didn't know why she stayed, she had to admit that it was great to see her family again; and Cedric was good company as well. He kept her laughing at various things and they enjoyed adventures into the Forbidden Forest.

The problem: Phoenix was forgetting that she was dead. The longer she stayed, the more she forgot about everything that happened when she was living. The only way she would get that back is if she went back. But how could she remember to go back if she and the people around her had all forgotten they were dead. It was only when Phoenix arrived that they remembered, but that was only for a brief period of time.

One afternoon, she was walking through the halls of Hogwarts with Sirius and they came upon the subject of lineage. Naturally, Harry was never far from Phoenix' mind as she did have her parents as a constant reminder of him. The one thing that came up in the discussion of family trees however, was the mention of the Malfoy family lineage.

"I'm Sirius Black. Narcissa Black is my cousin and she married Lucius Malfoy and they had a son named Draco..." When Phoenix heard Sirius say Draco's name, she drowned out everything else that he said afterwards. All she could think about was how she knew that name and why her cheeks flushed instinctively when she heard his name. "...Phoenix are you alright," Sirius asked when he noticed that Phoenix had stopped walking and was now staring out the window to her left.

Sirius' voice snapped Phoenix back to the present, "Hmm?"

"I asked if you were alright," Sirius started walking back to Phoenix and put one hand on her shoulder and the other on her forehead, "you do look a bit pale. Are you feeling alright?"

Phoenix smiled, "Yes, I'm lovely."

Sirius smiled weakly and wrapped and arm around Phoenix' shoulder and they continued their stroll through the castle. After their stroll, Phoenix went to what once was the Slytherin House dorms, but now were just plain dormitories; none of the houses had their own dorms anymore since their were no more houses that segregated the students. She opened her trunk and dug through it, trying to find something she didn't remember existed.

She finally found a small envelope that had the Malfoy family crest stamped on the wax seal. Phoenix pulled it out and opened it carefully. Inside, there were various photos of her and a blonde-haired boy with dragons and out at the sea somewhere. Phoenix came to a picture of what looked like her sitting on rocks, overlooking the ocean below her. There seemed to be a slight breeze that was blowing her hair back.

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