When Your Mom is More Popular than You...

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Spells used in this chapter:

Evanesco (ev-an-ES-koh) - Vanishes the target; the best description of what happens to it is that it goes "into non-being, which is to say, everything".

Expelliarmus (ex-PELL-ee-ar-mus) - Causes whatever the victim is holding to fly away, knocks out an opponent if used too forcefully.

Finite Incantatem (fi-NEE-tay in-can-TAY-tum) - Non-specific counter-spell that acts over an area to terminate the spell effects in general.

Lumos (LOO-mos) - Creates a narrow beam of light that shines from the wand's tip, like a torch.

Mobilicorpus (MO-bil-ee-COR-pus) - Levitates and moves bodies.

Nox (Nocks) - Turns off the light produced by Lumos.

Oppugno (oh-PUG-noh) - Apparently causes animals or beings of lesser intelligence to attack.

"Lily?" When Lucius Malfoy uttered those words, Phoenix didn't know whether to be annoyed or understanding. Why does everyone think that I'm Lily Potter? She asked herself. Well Phoenix, it's probably because you're the forgotten twin and no one knows you existed before three days ago. She thought. Or maybe it's because...I don't know...YOU LOOK EXACTLY LIKE HER!

"Phoenix," Draco said, snapping Phoenix out of her thoughts.

"Yes?" She replied.

Draco cleared his throat, "Father, this is Phoenix, she's a friend from school."

"You look just like her," Mr. Malfoy mumbled, "that's not possible."

While Mr. Malfoy was mumbling to himself about a few things, Draco grabbed Phoenix' arm and started walking towards a flight of stairs. When they were far enough away from Lucius Malfoy, both of them started laughing. "That moment when your mum is more well known than you are." Phoenix joked.

Draco stopped walking up the stairs and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest, "How many people have come up to you and thought you were your mum?"

"I've lost count." Phoenix laughed.

Draco smirked and continued walking. "You know," He started, "Lily Potter might've been well known, but Phoenix Potter has to be the most powerful witch I've ever met." Phoenix felt her cheeks turn red as the tips of lips pulled into a smile. Draco smiled as well and stuck his hands in his pockets. "What? Never heard a compliment before?"

"Not from you, no." Phoenix admitted.

Draco smirked. "Well they don't come easily from me," He scratched the back of his head as they reached the top of the stairs and Draco gestured for Phoenix to go to the right. The two Slytherin fell into step as they found two rooms - one on the left and one on the right. The one on the left was a medium-sized music room filled with instruments; a grand piano, violins and other string instruments, flutes, and so many others. Can he play all of these? Phoenix thought.

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