Secret Meetings Pt 2

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Spells used in this chapter:   

Accio (AK-ee-oh) - This charm summons an object to the caster, potentially over a significant distance. It can be used in two ways; either by casting the charm and then naming the object desired, or by pointing your wand at the desired object during or immediately following the incantation to "pull" the target toward the caster; in either case, the caster must concentrate on the object they wish to summon in order for the charm to succeed. The caster doesn't necessarily need to know the location of the target if they say the name of the object to be summoned.

Bombarda Maxima (bom-BAR-duh MAX-ee-muh) - Produces large explosions.

Confringo (con-FREEN-go) - Causes explosion.

Expecto Patronum (ecks-PECK-toh pah-TROH-numb) - This charm is a defensive spell which will conjure a spirit-like incarnation of their positive emotions to defend against dark creatures; it can also send messages to other witches or wizards. It seems one's Patronus will take the form of something important to the caster, and can change when one has undergone a period of heightened emotion.

Mobilicorpus (MO-bil-ee-COR-pus) - Levitates and moves bodies.

Revelio (reh- VEL-ee-oh) - Reveals hidden objects.

Draco dropped what he was carrying and ran up to Phoenix. "You came!" He beamed, "I didn't think you were going to come!" As Draco stared into her eyes, Phoenix forgot why she came. And soon, she found herself leaning in closer to Draco's face.

"Draco? Are you in here?" Someone called from the mouth of the cave.

Draco groaned and muttered, "Merlin's Staff, not again!" He turned around to see Alyssa standing at the mouth of the cave. "How did you even guess to look here?"

Alyssa smiled sarcastically. "That's not the point."

"Then what is?" Draco laughed lightheartedly.

Alyssa looked past Draco and saw Phoenix. She cleared her throat and smiled, turning her attention to Draco. "Someone named Severus Snape is here to see you," Alyssa didn't understand who this person was, but both Phoenix and Draco's face lit up. "Who is he?"

"He's the head of Slytherin House!" Phoenix beamed. The two Slytherin started running towards the mouth of the cave but Alyssa stopped them.

"Lyss, move out of the way, we want to see Snape." Draco grinned.

"He's already on his way, I had him follow me."

Draco and Phoenix shared a glance and for a moment, Phoenix was happy that she didn't rip Alyssa's face off when they first met. "I didn't know you'd be here, Ms. Potter." The oh so familiar voice said.

Draco and Phoenix both looked around Alyssa and grinned. "Hello Professor!" They said simultaneously.

"How have your summers been so far?"

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