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Spells used in this chapter:

Lumos (LOO-mos) - Creates a narrow beam of light that shines from the wand's tip, like a torch.

As morning drew near, Professor Snape found himself able to sleep less and less. He was conflicted. He didn't know what to do or say. Phoenix must've have some sort of dream telling her something that gave it away. Snape knew that he never should have gone back to his house yesterday.

He knew it was a bad idea from the beginning. Especially when it came from Draco Malfoy. Getting so bored that he kept fiddling with his wand, using "Lumos!" time and time again, Snape recalled getting the letter from Draco, and when he read it.


Snape glanced over at Phoenix devouring her rabbit in Animagus form. 'She's getting so sick of this.' He thought. 'It will serve her in the end. She needs to be prepared for the Dark Lord.' He convinced himself. Today, it was Phoenix' birthday and Snape knew that she would want to go see Harry. He thought about letting her go for a while, just giving them a day to celebrate being twins...But then an owl came in.

Snape heard the coo of an owl and looked to the skies, watching as the speckled white bird landed gracefully beside him. He gave the bird a small piece of his rabbit as a token of appreciation and took the letter from its beak. He recognized the familiar stamp on the outside of it and rolled his eyes before opening it. It read:

Professor Snape,

It's Draco Malfoy...Umm...So...I was going to try and distract you so Phoenix could get away for the day but I feel the need to tell you that; My mother and Bellatrix Lestrange are talking in the study and they seem to be on their way to your house. I think I know what it's about but I'd rather not say over letter. I think you know what it's about too.

Don't worry about Phoenix, she'll be fine; she is a Grim Wolf after all. Just go to your house and pretend like you've been there for a while so you don't give Phoenix away. And don't tell Phoenix either. What she doesn't know, won't hurt her, right?


Snape looked up from the letter and sighed, he knew exactly what was about to happen. He had sought council from Dumbledore earlier and they had come up with a well thought out plan, thinking this situation would actually occur. Draco was right about one thing though; Phoenix would be better off not knowing. If he had to tell her, he would, otherwise...

Professor Snape stood and didn't dare look at Phoenix, in fear of spilling his guts then and there. "Phoenix, I have to leave. There are important matters I must attend to." And with that, he apparated to his house and rushed to the study, sitting down and reading a book, making it look like he'd been there for a while. The professor felt guilty about not telling Phoenix more when he could, but it was probably best that she didn't know. 'Or is it?' He asked himself.

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