Teacher's Pet

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Spells used in this chapter: 

Arania Exumai (ah-RAHN-ee-a EKS-su-may) - This spell is used to blast away Acromantulas and, presumably, all other arachnids.

Mobilicorpus (MO-bil-ee-COR-pus) - Levitates and moves bodies.

        Draco left Malfoy Manor soon after Phoenix did. However, he had the impending thought that his father would not hold to his word and harm Phoenix. He kept imagining what he would do if his thoughts came to light. It was with a heavy heart that he apparated into the Slytherin dormitories before dinner. Draco plopped down on the couch and stared at the fire as he just debated life in general. From behind, a female voice called to him. "Draco?"

        He groaned in response and looked up at an angry looking Pansy Parkinson. "Why do you look like an angry snake?" Draco asked.

        "Because I am an angry snake," She joked sarcastically, "but that's not the point."

        "Then what is?" Draco said laying face down on the couch.

        Pansy turned him over and pulled him off the couch, "Snape's got it out for you."

        "That's rubbish, I'm his favorite student."

        "It's not rubbish, not since you completely skipped Potions today."

        Draco's eyes widened, "What about Phoenix? Did she get in trouble for being late?"

        Pansy raised an eyebrow. "Why would Phoenix get in trouble for being late?" She asked as the two started to walk to the Great Hall for dinner.

        "That's the reason I missed class," Pansy looked at him with a shocked face but Draco glared at her and continued, "that's not what I meant. We were working on a project about dragons when she left to go back to Hogwarts. But I was only a few minutes behind her so did she get in trouble for being late?"

        "Draco," Pansy started, not knowing what to say.

        Draco stopped and faced Pansy, "Did she?"

        "Draco, Phoenix was on time for class."

        "That's not possible."

        "It is, she made it on time. I should know, I was there when she did." Pansy continued walking with Draco following close behind.

        "But how? I apparated back a few minutes after her."

        Pansy cleared her throat as they got to the Great Hall, "Draco, maybe you lost track of time. Just Ben prepared for Professor Snape to yell at you."

        Draco nodded as they walked into the Great Hall. He looked at the Slytherin table and found Phoenix. She was turned around in her seat and talking with Harry about something. Somehow, Phoenix knew Draco was there because her head whipped to the doors of the Great Hall and she stopped talking to Harry. Phoenix stood up and practically ran over to Draco, grabbing his arm and pulling him to the Slytherin.

        "When I said 'See you later', I meant 'See in you in Potions,'" She said seriously with a hint of sarcasm, "Draco, where were you? I thought you were going to grab your stuff and be right behind me?"

         "I know. Believe me, you're the second person that's given me an earful in the past five minutes." Draco replied as he sat down next to Phoenix.

         Phoenix glanced up at the head table and saw Professor Snape staring at them, "Has the professor already talked with you?"

        Draco shook his head. "No, not yet. Thank Merlin."

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