Celebrations and CONFRINGO!

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Spells used in this chapter:  

Accio (AK-ee-oh) - This charm summons an object to the caster, potentially over a significant distance. It can be used in two ways; either by casting the charm and then naming the object desired, or by pointing your wand at the desired object during or immediately following the incantation to "pull" the target toward the caster; in either case, the caster must concentrate on the object they wish to summon in order for the charm to succeed. The caster doesn't necessarily need to know the location of the target if they say the name of the object to be summoned.

Confringo (con-FREEN-go) - Causes explosion.

Repello Muggletum (reh-PELL-loh MUG-ul-tum) - Keeps Muggles away from wizarding places by causing them to remember important meetings they missed and to cause the Muggles in question to forget what they were doing.

Rictusempra (ric-tuhs-SEM-pra) - Causes an extreme tickling sensation that, in the case of Draco Malfoy, made him drop to the floor laughing. In the film, this spell causes the victim to be thrown in cartwheels through the air, rather than tickling them.

Wingardium Leviosa (wing-GAR-dee-um levi-O-sa) - Makes things fly.

Phoenix' eyes flew open and she looked around, seeing the same old forest she'd seen for the past three weeks. "Good, you're awake." Professor Snape said, walking away.

"I should've known it was a dream," Phoenix stood up and brushed the leaves off of her, "there was a tent in my dream where, in reality, we sleep on the ground."

Snape raised an eyebrow and looked around. "We need more firewood. I'll get the wood if you go hunting." Phoenix sighed and nodded before stalking off.

"'Get more firewood, Phoenix'. 'Go hunting, Phoenix'. 'Stand still while I shoot a curse at you, Phoenix'. Pathetic!" Phoenix mocked Snape and kicked a stick. She laughed before continuing. "'You're an unregistered Animagus, Phoenix. That's not natural'. I know it's not natural. Since when was anything about me natural?" There was a twig snap, but Phoenix realized she snapped the twig, and kept walking. "'I'm just trying to help, Phoenix'. You're just as incompetent as your father'. Well at least my father got the girl."

"That's harsh." A voice said.

Phoenix laughed, "I'm just getting started." It was then that Phoenix realized she wasn't alone and turned around, pointing her wand in the mystery person's face. However, when she saw who it was, she lowered her wand and furrowed her eyebrows, "Malfoy."

Draco bowed his head, smiling, "Potter."

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?" Phoenix sneered.

Draco laughed. "Yeah, I probably should," He grabbed Phoenix' wrist and pulled her closer to him, whispering, "it is her birthday after all."

Phoenix smirked and kissed his cheek, "How's Harry?"

"He's still looking for you, Nix. I think you need to tell him what's happening. It's tearing him up inside." Draco advised.

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