Three Weeks Later

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Spells used in this chapter:  

Expecto Patronum (ecks-PECK-toh pah-TROH-numb) - This charm is a defensive spell which will conjure a spirit-like incarnation of their positive emotions to defend against dark creatures; it can also send messages to other witches or wizards. It seems one's Patronus will take the form of something important to the caster, and can change when one has undergone a period of heightened emotion.

Expelliarmus (ex-PELL-ee-ar-mus) - Causes whatever the victim is holding to fly away, knocks out an opponent if used too forcefully.

Three Weeks Later...

It was dark.




Phoenix was running through the woods. Her clothes torn, her hair filled with dirt, twigs, and leaves, and her face covered in dirt. She looked over her shoulder and saw that they were still following her. She turned around in time to see she was about to run into a fallen tree. Phoenix dove under it and slid out of the way, standing up and continuing to run. She heard the person behind her do the same thing and ran faster.

She glanced over her shoulder once more, but didn't see anyone. Phoenix turned back around, but it was too late; Phoenix tripped and somersaulted at least ten feet. When she finally stopped rolling, she laid on her back and took deep breaths, trying to lower her heart rate. They stood over her with their arms crossed and a slightly disproving look on their face. Phoenix closed her eyes and sighed.

"That was sloppy Phoenix," They folded their hands behind their back and turned away from her, "you need to be quicker than that. And more aware; you were terribly focused on what was behind you, that you didn't pay enough attention on what was in front of you." Phoenix opened her eyes and sat up.

"I know," She ran a hand through her tangled mess of red hair and stood up, "I'll try harder Professor Snape."

Snape turned around and scowled, "Will you try harder when you are dead?" Phoenix rolled her eyes and stuck her hands on her hips. "No, it's a serious question." Phoenix chuckled as Snape made a fire with a flick of his wand. "We've been working on this for three weeks Phoenix. You can't possibly bring down the Dark Lord if you don't fight like your life depended on it."

"I just don't see how running through the woods, in the dark, with you firing spells at me, is going to help me take down Voldemort." Phoenix admitted.

"Maybe. But to stand up and fight, you first need to learn how to walk away."

"More like sprint away," Phoenix mumbled.

"What was that?" Snape asked.

Phoenix shook her head and started walking away. "Nothing, Professor." Snape pulled out his wand and pointed it at Phoenix. When he was about to cast a spell, Phoenix held her wand up and called, "Expelliarmus!" Snape was disarmed immediately. Phoenix stopped and turned around with a smirk on her face. "I'm still a Grim Wolf, Severus. I can hear you from three miles away."

Snape nodded and sat down by the fire while Phoenix walked back to the tent they had pitched. "Expecto Patronum!" She muttered. Her wolf Patronus appeared and played around her. As she was walking, she heard a twig snap and stopped in her tracks. Her Patronus disappeared and her eyes turned golden as she listened for a heartbeat. When she heard that it wasn't Snape's heartbeat, she hid behind a tree and held her wand close, searching for the source of the heartbeat.

Suddenly, she felt someone come behind her and cover her mouth with their hand. The person turned Phoenix around to face them and held a finger to their lips, signally for her to be quiet. This person was wearing a cloak and a hood over their head, covering their face. They looked around to make sure Snape was still at the fire. When they saw that he was, they took Phoenix by the wrist and pulled her behind them.

Wherever this person was taking her, they were almost there. They came to a large turquoise pond that had bioluminescent water, making it glow. The person pulled her to a small waterfall on the far side of the pond. The person stood on the rocks and finally took off their hood. Phoenix' lips pulled into a toothy grin that would make the Cheshire Cat jealous.

Phoenix jumped into his arms and started laughing as the young man picked her up and squeezed her in a tight hug. When he let her go and set her down, he pulled something from behind his back and handed it to her. "Happy Birthday Phoenix." He smiled. She took the neatly wrapped gift from him and set it on her lap. Phoenix reached into her bag on her hip and pulled out a small box, handing it to him.

"Happy Birthday Harry."

"Phoenix, wake up!"

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