Finally Free

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Spells used in this chapter:

Avada Kedavra (ah-VAH-dah keh-DAV-rah) - Killing curse; causes the target to be killed instantly.

Alarte Ascendare (a-LAR-tey ah-SEN-deh-rey) - Shoots the target high into the air.

Evanesco (ev-an-ES-koh) - Vanishes the target; the best description of what happens to it is that it goes "into non-being, which is to say, everything".

Expelliarmus (ex-PELL-ee-ar-mus) - Causes whatever the victim is holding to fly away, knocks out an opponent if used too forcefully.

Fianto Duri (fee-AN-toh DOO-ri) - Defensive charm to form a shield that protects caster from spells and other objects.

Reducto (re-DUK-toh) - Breaks objects. In stronger usages, disintegrates them.

It was early in the morning, only three or four o'clock. Harry couldn't sleep. He rolled onto his side and saw Hermione and Ron sleeping peacefully beside him. Harry couldn't wake them just because he couldn't sleep; he wanted them to have an interrupted night of sleep given that all hell could break loose later in the day. They had taken Hogwarts back from Snape the other day and now it was just preparation for Voldemort to come and unleash his wrath.

Harry had been wondering about Phoenix and how she was doing. When he saw her at Christmas, that gave him a boost to keep going on his quest. With this in mind, he got up and walked outside the castle to take a stroll. Sure it took a while to get from Gryffindor tower to the courtyard, but in his eyes, the longer the better. Once he got to the courtyard, he let out a deep sigh and placed his hands on his hips. There was a snap that came from across the bridge and Harry walked across it, trying to find what made the noise.

From behind a thicket, a bright blue light emerged. A Patronus? Harry thought. He squinted his eyes to see the creature better and saw that there was a wolf sitting before him with its tongue out and a big grin on it's face. Harry furrowed his brows and stepped cautiously towards the wolf.

The wolf barked and turned to walk the way it came. It stopped and looked back at Harry. "Do you want me to follow you?" Harry asked. The wolf just turned back around and trotted away slowly. Harry sighed and hurried after the wolf. It took them deep into the Forbidden Forest and Harry made sure to keep a firm grip on his wand in case anything bad happened.

The wolf finally stopped in a covered part of the forest and sat down. Harry pulled out his wand and kept it at the ready. "Harry," Someone to his right called.

Startled, Harry pointed his wand at the unknown being and said, "Reducto!" The person held up her wand and deflected the spell with a counter spell. Once the smoke cleared, Harry saw Phoenix grinning behind her wand.

"I mean, I know that I left Christmas on a cliffhanger, but I'm surprised you'd go this far Harry," She smirked. Harry grinned and threw his arms around his twin.

"I missed you Nixie!"

Phoenix' hold around him tightened and she sighed, now having been reunited with her brother once more. When she pulled away, she took his shoulders and looked deep into his eyes. "There's a grave danger to the both of us and I need to have you protected. Someone very close to us left this to us in case a situation like ours arose." From a knothole in the tree behind her, Phoenix pulled out a small potion bottle with a deep wine-colored liquid.

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