Umbridge Takes Over

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These are the spells used in this chapter:

Glisseo (GLISS-ee-oh) - Causes the steps on a stairway to turn into a slide.

Imperio (im-PEER-ee-oh) - Places the subject in a dream-like state, in which he or she is utterly subject to the will of the caster. However, those who are strong willed may learn to resist it.

Incendio (in-SEN-dee-oh) - Produces fire.

Orchideous (or-KID-ee-us) - Makes a bouquet of flowers appear out of the caster's wand.

As morning dawned and everyone started waking up, Phoenix was already awake and in the common room of the Slytherin dormitories. After talking with Harry, she went back to bed and tried to sleep, but had a terrible nightmare. She couldn't sleep the rest of the night. At about 4:00 AM, she decided to go out to the common room and sit by the fire. She figured it was a good idea to see if Sirius had any news, but his face never came through the fire.

So in the common room she sat, waiting for breakfast to come. She needed to ask a few people some questions. The first person to come out of their rooms was Draco. When he saw Phoenix sitting by a dying fire, he rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Well aren't you Hogwarts' newest overachiever."

Phoenix rolled her eyes at his voice, she didn't even have to turn around to know it was Draco. "Good morning to you too Draco."

He was already dressed in his Hogwarts robes and saw that Phoenix was as well. When he walked up to her, his smile disappeared. "Have you been out here all night?"



"Bad dreams."

"'Bout what?"

"My past."

Draco was silent as he felt a pang of sadness for the young witch.

"Well, it's breakfast time, let's go. Let's be overachievers and get there real early."

Phoenix smiled and nodded as she stood and walked out of the Slytherin dormitories with Draco. "Am I able to sit with Harry at breakfast?"

"No," Draco said plainly, "we're only allowed to sit with our houses."

"I don't really have any friends in Slytherin yet. I have acquaintances, but not friends."

Draco pretended to look hurt, "What am I then?"

Phoenix raised an eyebrow and smirked, "A snake."

Draco chuckled and shook his head. "You don't trust people very well do you?"

"Not really, how'd you guess?" Phoenix replied sarcastically.

"So what classes do you have this year?"

"I don't know, I was going to ask Professor Dumbledore before breakfast but I didn't know where his office was."

"I can take you there."

Phoenix was a little shocked, "Are you sure?"

"We're up early for a reason, Nix. Besides, you need your schedule so none of the professors go bonkers when you're late." Draco winked.

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