A Trip to Malfoy Manor

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Spells used in this chapter:

Muffliato (muf-lee-AH-to) - This spell fills peoples' ears with an unidentifiable buzzing to keep them from hearing nearby conversations.

"Phoenix, wake up." A voice said softly. Phoenix slowly opened her eyes and came back into the world of the living. Once her eyes opened fully, she saw her roommate, Nyssa, standing over her. "Good, you didn't die in your sleep," Nyssa said sarcastically, "it's breakfast time." Phoenix sighed and rolled out of bed.

As she changed into her Hogwarts jumper and skirt, she looked around the room; the only one left was Nyssa. "Where is everybody?"

"They already went to breakfast," Nyssa explained as she finished fastening her green Slytherin tie. "Oh, and Draco Malfoy is waiting in the common room for you to come out."

Phoenix nodded and Nyssa started to walk out of the room. Phoenix pulled her black boots on and stuck her wand in the right boot. She put her tie around her neck and tied it with one hand and with the other, she brushed her teeth. She took one look at her hair and almost screamed, it was a wavy mess. Phoenix grunted and put a brush through her hair to smooth it down and then pulled it into a ponytail.

She sighed as she walked out to the common room, finding Draco sitting on the couch in front of the fire, lost in thought as he stared at the flames. "Draco?" Phoenix called. He whipped his head around and smiled.

"I almost didn't recognize you with your hair up," He joked as he stood up to walk with Phoenix.

Phoenix rolled her eyes as they walked out of the Slytherin dorm, "Yeah, thanks."

"It'll get better, Nix." Draco said softly.

"How do you know that?"

Draco shrugged and winked, "I just do." Phoenix sighed as they arrived at the Great Hall. "After you." Malfoy said. Phoenix smiled and rolled her eyes as she walked in and sat down across from Harry again. Towards the end of breakfast, Harry was about to say something to her but was interrupted by Dumbledore, who was making his way to the podium at the front of the Great Hall.

"Good morning students." Dumbledore said as the students quieted down. He went on to say that he was glad to be back and all this other stuff about the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, and that Lord Voldemort was back. Then he glanced to Harry and I and paused as we waited in anticipation for what he was about to say.

"We lost a good man," He looked at everyone but Harry and Phoenix, "a good friend. A good caregiver. A good wizard." Phoenix was somewhat disgusted with what Dumbledore was saying and how he was describing Sirius. "We lost a fighter. He was important to so many and touched so many lives. We lost Sirius Black." He glanced at Phoenix who was ready to burst, and she did.

"No!" Phoenix yelled as she slammed her fists on the table. Everyone snapped their attention to her.

"Ms. Potter? Would you like to say something?" Dumbledore asked, surprised.

"Yes I would actually," He invited her up to the podium but she just stood up and stayed in her place. "Sirius was not a good man, he was a magnificent man. He was not a 'good friend', he was a brother to everyone he met. Sirius was not a 'good caregiver', he was like a father to me. He was not a 'good wizard', he was one of the best and he taught me almost everything I know." Phoenix paused to take a breath as everyone watched her very closely. "Sirius was so much more than a fighter, he was a survivor. He was so much more important than what you say and he does not deserve to be remembered like that. He deserves so much more." Phoenix sighed and turned on her heel, ready to walk out of the Great Hall when she heard someone clapping from behind her.

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