Summer Magic Tricks

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Spells used in this chapter:

Homenum Revelio (HOM-eh-num reh-VEH-lee-oh) - Reveals human presence in the vicinity of the caster.

Riddikulus (rih-dih-KUL-lus) - A spell used when fighting a Boggart. "Riddikulus" forces the Boggart to take the appearance of an object the caster is focusing on. Best results can be achieved if the caster is focusing on something humorous, with the desire that laughter will weaken the Boggart.

Harry and Phoenix were waiting outside King's Cross Station for Uncle Vernon to pick them up at the train station when he got off of work. People gave them funny looks for having an owl and carrying these large trunks, but they just sat there, waiting. Uncle Vernon finally showed up and honked at Harry. Phoenix helped Harry put their stuff in the trunk of the car and climbed into the car.

Harry climbed in first and sat opposite Uncle Vernon while Phoenix sat directly behind him, so he wouldn't see her. They took off and about three minutes in, Harry spoke up. "Uncle Vernon," Uncle Vernon groaned in response, keeping his eyes on the road, "did you know that I have a twin?"

Uncle Vernon sighed. "You had a twin. That disgraceful child died the night you were placed on our doorstep." He sneered.

Phoenix poked her head out from behind the seat. "I find that offensive." Uncle Vernon screamed and almost hit three cars swerving out of the way. He pulled off the side of the road and looked at Phoenix through the rear-view mirror. She smiled at him and he almost fainted.

"Harry, what is this? Some kind of joke?" He yelled, pointing a fat finger in Harry's face.

Harry shook his head, "No joke. This is Phoenix, she's my twin."

Uncle Vernon furrowed his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes, trying to get a closer look at her. When he saw that she looked like a mix of her parents, he sighed. "I have to take care of another one of you?" Phoenix winked as Uncle Vernon started driving again. "Let me break the news to Petunia, she might think you're her sister." He paused and his eyes widened. "She's not still alive is she?"

Phoenix shook her head, "Not that I know of." Vernon gulped and they drove in silence, minus the occasional shuffle of Hedwig's cage.

Soon, they pulled into the driveway of 4 Privet Drive and Uncle Vernon got out first, grabbing his case and turning around to the twins. "Don't do anything until I come back with Petunia, got it?" He sneered. The twins nodded as he got out of the car. The twins laughed and got out of the car as soon as Uncle Vernon went inside.

They got their trunks out of the car and set them on the driveway. The twins sat on one of their trunks with their backs facing the door and Harry put his arm around his sister. "Petunia, you need to see something out at the car. Just don't freak out!" They heard Uncle Vernon say. Aunt Petunia rushed out the door as Uncle Vernon turned the outside lights on, illuminating the twins.

Petunia gasped and she hit Uncle Vernon's chest, "Is that Lily and James?!" Phoenix and Harry turned around and smiled. Aunt Petunia almost fainted, Vernon had to hold onto her to keep her steady. "Is that the twin that's supposed to be dead?" She asked softly. Phoenix smiled and nodded.

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