"Welcome" ,Pete says, "to the mana arena!".                                                                                                         

It's one of the biggest things I've ever seen in both of my lives. It looks like a gigantic orb made out of a strange blue light surrounded by white clouds. The arena is so big you could barely see the other side of it. There isn't a floor, but when Pete walks in, something holds him up.

"Don't be afraid, you won't fall down. If you aren't flying, the floor will support you."                         

I carefully put one feet inside, and indeed, I can easily stand.                                                                    

"They made this arena so big because when people use mana, they sometimes change externally and get really large. This is just so they could still fit in the arena."                                        

I'm still too amazed to say anything, so I just look at it with my mouth wide open.                            

"If you're already this amazed by seeing the mana arena, I'm curious how you will react when seeing the big city!"

"Come on, there's even more. Follow me!"

He leaves the arena and takes a left turn onto another floating path. We arrive at a large, cylinder-shaped building with a large dome made out of some kind of weird purple stone. When we enter the building, I can see a small marble path all around the sides. In the middle, there's a gigantic circle made out of the same stone as the outside of the building. The path is separated from the middle by the same thin, blue light as in the mana arena. On the sides, I could see all sorts of armours and weapons apart from guns hanging on the wall.

"This is the weapon arena, where you learn how to fight with any melee weapon, in any circumstances. The purple stone this building is made of is called shapeshifting stone: it can change into any possible environment. The shield is there to protect possible spectators and to avoid that any of the weapons or armours that aren't being used get damaged. Now, let's go to the last arena."                    

We leave the weapon arena and again take a left turn. The last building looks like an old, Roman arena where gladiators fought, only it was even bigger.                                                                              

"This is the last arena, the flying arena. Here you will learn how to use your wings for both flying as fighting, because they don't only allow you to fly, they're also a powerful weapon. So, with that being said, I've just got to show you one more thing."

He looks at me with eyes sparkling out of excitement.

"Let's go to Alensiar, the big city of heaven!"


We leave the flying arena and go back to the Central Tower. We keep walking untill we reach the other side of the wall where we arrive at a big, light blue gate decorated with golden structures.

"Behold," , Pete says when we step through the gate, "Alensiar, the empire of angels!"                    

It's even more gigantic than I could've imagined. The city is surrounded by enormous white walls which are at least 20 metres high. In the center of it there's a castle about as big as the small village I used to live,  surrounded by an extraordinary amount of houses. The entire city is lit up by the same lights which floated around in the academy.

"Come on Jason! We gotta hurry!" I see Pete running towards the city.                                                       "We don't have that much time left and there's this one place I really want to show you!"                

"I'm coming!!", I quickly shout back while I start chasing him. The gates of the city are wide open, and I see other angels inside. When I get closer, I can see that the walls are made out of the big cloud it was standing on.                                                                                                           

'Fascinating, it's like the city is being protected by the cloud...'                                                                       

I try not to lose Pete out of sight when he runs through the big amount of angels on the streets.


While running I pass houses from all over the world and from all sorts of times. I finally catch him up when he stops in front of a tall building. Strangely enough, I'm not even tired.                            

'Weird, I should be exhausted after running for so long ...'                                                                        

"One of the advantages of being an angel: you never get out of breath while running. We could run an entire day without ever getting tired!" Pete says after literally reading my mind.                    

'That is indeed very handy ...'   I look at the building in front of us. It's a big, two floors high tavern where you can hear the sounds of laughing angels and smell the aroma of well-baked food from inside.                                                                                                                                                                  

"This, my dear friend," Pete says happily, "is the most important place for all student angels, Silgur's tavern!"

He opens the wooden door and I immediately get overwhelmed by all the bustle. The entire tavern is full of young angels that have the same age as me or a little older. Most of them are sitting by tables that are a few centimeters of the ground. I see boys wearing white sneakers underneath a pair of black jeans with a white T-shirt and a black jacket over it. The girls wear dresses in all kinds of colours, from really bright to black, with and without glitters.                      

'Everyone looks amazing, while I'm in this boring uniform....'                                                                

"Hey, cheer up mate, you're not the only one. Look at me!", Pete says while pointing at hisses.  "It doesn't mean you can't have fun! Come on, I want you to meet some of my friends!"

He drags me to a table with a few people at it. Pete tells me they're all second years, like him. There are 2 girls and 2 guys, both couples. The first one who introduces himself is Ben, a boy with black hair and yellow eyes. He's wearing the same suit nearly every boy in the tavern is wearing. Next to him a girl named Nathaly does the same. She has long, purple and blue hair and light blue eyes. She's wearing a short, purple dress with dark blue high heels. As I thought, Nathaly and Ben are a couple.

The two people next to them are Sylver and Melsi. Sylver's hair has the same colour as his name and he has light blue eyes that look really cool with his hair. He also has the same outfit as the rest of the boys, only his pants and jacket are dark grey. Melsi has brown hair with a little bit of red in it, and she also has brown eyes. She wears a short red dress and high heels with glitters on.

We start talking and they're actually really nice. Then Pete orders a thick, yellow drink that tastes really sweet. I drink a few of them and start getting dizzy. I also feel really light in my head and I start laughing a lot. In other words, I get really drunk... When it gets dark outside and nearly all other angels have already left, I go back to the academy together with Pete and his friends. I nearly bump into someone, but the only thing I can do is laugh. Somehow I arrive at my room and fall on my bed. Before I even touch the bed sheets, I fall into a deep, dreamless sleep....

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