"We shouldn't be talking about this here. Someone could hear," I tell him.

"Are you afraid of that?"

"I don't need anyone knowing what we did together." It was one of the best moments of my life but that doesn't mean I want to sit there and have people hear about it. I usually don't have hot men pining over me.

He sighs heavily. "Do you regret it that much?"

"I regret cheating on someone who has done nothing wrong to me. That is what I'm regretting, Kuroto." I can't believe I betrayed my boyfriend's trust! He's probably going to want me to get infected with the Bugster virus now!

"I just suggested a way we can be together, okay? Just suggest it to whoever you're with and then it'll be all better."

"Are you even hearing what you're saying right now? He isn't just going to be like 'Sure, let's do this thing!' and let me hop into his arms and ride off into the sunset, okay? Gosh, you're not thinking right now! If you were, you wouldn't be pining over me. I'm not worth it. Meet someone else, okay?"

"I don't want anyone else, Kara."


"I only want you. I don't feel the same way towards everyone else. You're one of the only people I actually care for in this world." Is he lying right now to make me feel special? Is he trying to win me over by manipulating me into thinking he cares for me only for him to use me and toss me out like I'm trash?

"Kuroto..." I shake my head. "No...you're lying! You must be lying." I nod my head. "I'm sure of it. You're definitely lying."

"Why would I lie about that? You know it is true."

"I can't believe this."

"Why not?"

"Why should I believe it? Huh? You're after the others."

"But I'm not after you. What happened earlier was because of the other rider. I was really concerned about you so I made sure to get away as soon as possible to check on you. I'm glad Taiga Hanaya decided to jump in and make sure that you're alright. You could have gotten a game over and I'm seriously glad that you didn't. Kara, I mean it when I say these things, okay? You're special to me and very important to me." I'm still not trusting him on this. I doubt Kuroto Dan can love someone.


"Do you believe me?"

"Yeah, I do." I nod, looking him in the eyes to make it seem believable that I believe in his words.


"We're not dating though. I don't want to date anyone but my boyfriend. He's the dreamiest guy in the world and there is nothing you can do to replace him. So, you're going to have to go to the back of the line and wait for us to end, which isn't going to happen by the way, okay?" I'm being super harsh with him right now but I have to be brutally honest. Nothing can happen between me and Kuroto. He's daughter is my best friend and he is the Black Rider. Nothing is allowed to happen.

"Alright." He gets up. "I'm going to grab something to eat. Do you want anything?" Is he changing the subject?

"Umm...some cake."

"I'm going to get you some cake now."


I step onto the rooftop, body still aching from getting my butt kicked, as Parad looks up from his handheld gaming console. "Hey," I say, voice sort of hoarse from crying after Kuroto Dan left me alone in my hospital room. I shouldn't even be up on the rooftop right now but Parad wanted me to meet him up here.

Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now