"He's just...ugh...I don't know how to describe it." One moment I hate his guts, the next I just want to shove my tongue down his throat. I'm so confused by how I feel towards him.

"Are you confused by how you feel about him? I'm sort of jealous now," Parad says, laughing. "No, I'm not really jealous. I know you like me a lot. I can tell."

"How can you tell?"

"How I've seen people stare at each other when they like each other. You know, the couple kind of like right?"


He steps in front of me and brings his beautiful face near mine, staring me in the eyes as my heart pounds against my chest. "Kara, why don't you want to date me? Are you still wanting to chase after Hiiro?"

"No, it isn't that. It is just how I feel about everything going on right now. I just discovered his thing for Saki and how he hid her from me. He wanted me in the dark and I can't trust anyone exactly."

"Well, I have nothing to actually hide from you. I'm a Bugster and you know that already so my secret isn't a secret anymore."

"It wasn't even really a secret in the first place. It wasn't something you brought up and I didn't ask about." A secret would be something he's hiding. He wasn't hiding that he was a Bugster. He did have Graphite protect me from Dan's attempt to attack me.

"True." He moves closer to me. "I'm glad you don't mind the fact I'm a Bugster. I would be really upset if you did. It would be kind of awful to discriminate against a Bugster based on the fact they are a Bugster. Being a Bugster isn't so bad."

"You can teleport freely at least."

"I can." He nods. "I can also do more than that but I don't want to go through all the things I can do. It'll be too long and you'll just be confused about how I can do it. I'll give you an example on something I can do, okay? I can block an attack on someone if I want to."

"Would you block one on me?"

"Of course." He nods. "Why wouldn't I want to do that?"

"I don't know." I shrug as he leans even more in and places his lips against mine gently.

He moves a hand up to my face, placing it on my cheek. He closes his beautiful eyes and moves his lips against mine even though I'm not kissing him back. I'm so confused about everything. I'm attracted to him and sometimes I'm attracted to Kuroto Dan.

He pulls away a bit, opening his eyes. "Is something wrong with me?"

"No..." I shake my head. "I was just thinking."

"Always thinking, aren't you?"

"You can kiss me if you want to. I don't mind kissing you."

"Are you sure? You're down."

"It'll make me feel a bit better about my life."

"Are you sure you want this?"

"I'm sure. When did you learn about consent?"

"I know things, I'm not dumb."

"I didn't say you were."

"It was sort of implied."


"It is okay." He reconnects our lips, kissing me gently. I close my eyes as he rubs my cheek gently, our lips still moving together.

Kissing Parad never gets old. It feels different each time but in a good way. He seems to want to improve in the romance department.

I deepen the kiss, bringing my arms to his neck. I wrap them around his neck, pulling him closer. He is very sweet tasting. Can a Bugster taste sweet?

Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now