Tired of it-Part 5

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A/N : I don't know on what to say but on to the story!

It's been weeks and Cinder is still making my life a living hell.I have bruises and marks all over me.I got used to it after awhile.I'm just waiting for my "punishment" again.I am tied to a chair and I can't do anything about it.I am mentally going insane! I'm over on fighting with Cinder.Or that I think her name is.
Cinder's POV
It's been a couple weeks ever things I had to decide to torture (Y/N).I am so close for him to completely lose it! I can't wait for my new and in proved (Y/N).Today I have figured out his last name was Nikos so that meant that he is related to the world renowned fighter Pyrrha Nikos.So I have decided for Emerald to use her semblance to make (Y/N) think Pyrrha is going against him and since he lost all hope this is going to make my job a lot more easier.I call Emerald before my experiment starts.

I realized Cinder is taking a really long time.Longer than usual."Only if I never joined the white fang" I muttered to myself.Then I look at the door realizing it was Pyrrha."Pyrrha?" I asked."Hey there (Y/N) I came here to talk about getting you out of here before Cinder comes" She said.Before I could reply I felt a sharp sting on my left cheek."OWW,Pyrrha what the hell was that for!?" I yelled."Why (Y/N).Why did you decide to join the white fang?" I just looked down not replying to her question.I get slapped again but this time on my right cheek."ANSWER ME!" She screamed with tears flowing down her eyes."I never meant to join the White Fang..I'm sorry Pyrrha." Before I could say more I felt a jab at my stomach to see Pyrrha's spear inside me."I'm sorry (Y/N) it was just meant to be this way." She left me.She just fucking left me.I felt a giant rage surge inside me.I started yelling "IM COMING FOR YOU PYRRHA NIKOS" I yelled over and over again on top of my lungs.What I didn't know was that Cinder was all apart of this plan.Before I could do anything I passed out.

Pyrrha's POV
I called (Y/N) for the 30th time this week.It wasn't until it goes back to voicemail again.I throw my scroll at the floor in frustration.I look to see Jaune pick up my scroll."Hey Pyrrha it seems like you dropped your scroll.I sigh before thanking him.I was about to leave the room before Jaune blocks the door."Hey.Um Jaune can you move,I need to make a call" I tried asking him."Pyrrha wait a minute you've been calling what sounds like this (Y/N) dude more than 8 times today!" He said."To make matters worse you haven't slept in like 2 weeks! I sigh knowing Jaune has caught me."I have an older brother.His name is (Y/N).He joined the White Fang.When he called me asking me how my day was going he told me he joined.Then the call ended with a woman's voice yelling at him." I told him."Pyrrha!Why didn't you tell us about this? Or your brother?" I tried smiling but I couldn't "Because you guys really never asked me about family." Then I went to my bed and just contemplate on what decisions (Y/N) was doing.Before I could go to sleep Ren handed me this note with sloppy writing "I'm coming after you Pyrrha Nikos,Be ready for our fight" Sincerely (Y/N).Why is (Y/N) trying to fight me? Wait he's coming back! I screamed with excitement not even caring about him coming to fight me.I showed the note to my team.Their faces looked frightened.Before I could tell them what's wrong Jaune replied "News said that (Y/N) Nikos was found in a alley with critical condition and he's in the hospital.He might not make it with on how bad he was messed up." Jaune tried to say.I was furious about (Y/N) being hurt by somebody.I knew (Y/N) could fight on his own.One question that still lingered in my mind was We're they stronger than him? (Y/N) was powerful and I knew that.Many questions were still going through my mind before I realized I needed to go to the hospital to ask these questions to (Y/N) and it was urgent real urgent.I look at my necklace that (Y/N) gave me when we were younger before our parents died.I smiled thinking back of my memories that lead up to this moment that's when I tried getting up before Jaune stopped me."Pyrrha we will see him tomorrow." Jaune said."What happens if he isn't alive tomorrow." That's where everyone was frozen knowing that I was right and they were wrong.Before them saying anything I pushed them out of my way so I can get into the hospital.Before I left Beacon I see Ruby stop me."Hey Pyrrha what the rush?" She said with a smile."Um.Its kind of personal.I need to get to the hospital before it's to late." I said.Before she could even answer I dashed halfway to the hospital before I was stopped by...

A/N Who was Pyrrha stopped by?What is (Y/N) going to do to her? Stay tuned for Part 6 of Untold Secrets!

Pyrrha!Sister! X Reader!Brother! Untold SecretsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang