May I take..? Part 17

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Key| Thinking = -

Yang's POV
It's been a couple days since (Y/N) and Pyrrha became friends.(Y/N) seems more talkative than the weeks before.While Pyrrha she's always around Team JNPR which is quite odd.I might have to ask (Y/N).

Yang: Hey (Y/N) can I talk to you for a moment?

(Y/N): Yeah! What is it?

Yang: Actually can I talk to you somewhere private?

(Y/N): Sure.

After that I lead him back to our dorm.I locked the door just in case someone tried to hear or get in.

(Y/N): So what was your question Yang?

Yang: Why is Pyrrha hanging out more with JNPR than with you.

I saw him look down.I knew something had to happened between the two.

(Y/N): Um...

(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N): Umm..

-Crap does she know that me and Pyrrha are dating again?-

Yang: I'm still waiting for a answer.

-I have to make something up right now and quick before she gets curious and would want the real answer!-

I looked down and made it sound like I was sad and really didn't want to talk about it again.

(Y/N): Oh..about that Pyrrha's dating Jaune now.She was afraid that I might break her heart again.

Yang: Oh (Y/N).

Yang looks at me with some sympathy.She did one thing I didn't expect her to do was that she quickly pecked me on the lips and then hugged me.

I felt bad about this.I knew that I should of told her the truth from the start.

(Y/N): It's alright Yang.I can get through this.

Yang: Actually I have a better idea..

(Y/N): What's the plan Captain?

Yang: How about we go in to JNPR as a so called "couple".

As she said couple she used air quotation marks.I smiled at what she said.

(Y/N): Sure.

-Sure!? You can't be doing this type of shit (Y/N)! God damit we had one job and we blew it.-

Yang: Alright I'll go get ready.

I watched her walk away with her hips swaying.I shook my head and walked my way to JNPR's dorm.

(Y/N): Hey Pyrrha? We kind of need to talk.

Pyrrha: One Second.

I hear footsteps that lead to the door.I smile knowing she was always up to her word.

Pyrrha: YOU!

She points at me and then grabs me by the collar of my shirt and drags me inside the dorm.

(Y/N): Oh hey Pyrrha..

Pyrrha: I heard you were talking to Yang..

She was tapping her foot on the floor repeatingly.Man isn't she patient for a answer?

(Y/N): Well I'll tell you right now because I got a plan.

Yang's POV
I heard the door close meaning that either it was Weiss left the room or was it Blake? I didn't care because I was going to be (Y/N)'s girl for a little while.

Weiss: Yang? Are you going to help me with the dance or not?

Yang: Weiss! I completely forgot about it.I'll be there in a couple minutes.

-Crap I forgot about the dance! I'll text (Y/N) and see if he would want to help me and Weiss.-

(Y/N)'s POV
I hear a buzz come from my scroll and I see that the contact was from Yang.She said she wouldn't make it.

(Y/N): YES!

I jumped up in the air with excitement.

Pyrrha: What are you so happy about?

(Y/N): Yang won't be able to make it to our little crap that we were about to do.

Pyrrha: Aww..I was excited.

I looked at Pyrrha like if she just told me that she's marrying Jaune.

(Y/N): How can you say that when Yang is going to try to get me away from you!

Pyrrha: I was kidding.

She rolled her eyes and pecked me on the lips before leaving the room.

(Y/N): And leave me like that? Pretty harsh Nikos.

After I said that I had left the dorm and bumped into Yang.

(Y/N): Hey Yang.What brings you here?

Yang: Uh I go to school here?

(Y/N): Oh yeah.

I scratched the back of my head with a smile.I knew that I was sweating bullets.

Yang: Why are you sweating?

(Y/N): N-Nothing!

After I said that I ran.I swore that Yang is right behind me.

Yang: There is nothing to hide from (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Kind of There is!

I ran out of Beacon as fast as I could.I ran into a alleyway and hid until I couldn't hear footprints anymore.

(Y/N): Thank god.

Pyrrha's POV
I sighed after I left the room.I was really hoping that (Y/N) would ask me to the dance.

Blake: Is everything all right Pyrrha?

Pyrrha: You could say that for the least.

Blake: I'm just worried about you.Can you just tell me what your upset about?

Pyrrha: It's Just That my boyfriend wouldn't ask me to the dance.Sometimes I really wish that he wasn't so dense.

Blake: Don't you mean Jaune?

I looked at Blake then stared at the floor longer than I wanted to.

Blake: don't mean?

Pyrrha: Yeah (Y/N).Just Don't tell Yang.

Blake: Don't tell her!? She's head over heels for (Y/N)! She's trying to take him from you! You better do something fast Pyrrha before it's to late.

After she said that I left Beacon looking to see where (Y/N) was.

A/N: What will happen? Find out later in Untold Secrets! Also sorry about this super late update but I had lost focus and I'll be posting a new book! Hope you enjoyed this chapter

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