Telling Pyrrha Part 4

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A/N So all of you guys decided to chose A.So enjoy!

Pyrrha's POV
I get a call from (Y/N) and we were in Ms.Goodwitches class.I decide to not pick it up."MISS NIKOS" Ms.Goodwitch said."God damit" as I muttered under my breath."Yes Ms.Goodwitch?" "See me after class to collect your scroll" after that she took my scroll."Thanks (Y/N)" as I muttered under my breath.

I called Pyrrha at least 4 times but at least for different times like every 2 minutes.One the 3rd try Pyrrha answered.FINALLY.When I was about to tell her when I hear a different woman's voice."Who is this" she replied."I'm (Y/N) and who is this." "I am Prof.Goodwitch of" I cut her off before she can finish "Beacon Academy." "How do you know about Beacon Academy?"she replied."I'm (Y/N) Nikos,Pyrrha Nikos brother." All I can hear at the other end of the call was a gasp and the call ended.I chuckled and I hear someone knocking on my door it's Roman."Come on (Y/N) the mission is about to start so get ready!" "Okay!" I ran to get dressed into (whatever you want) and I put on my Grimm mask and left my scroll on my bed.After I left Cinder was right in front of me with a mischievous grin and puts a finger on my chest."You ready for today's mission handsome?" I didn't even know on how to react.I was in utterly shock on what just happened.I eventually got over it and passed by Cinder.

Roman's POV
When I saw (Y/N) he looked pretty flustered I was thinking on whether or not to tell him on what happened.I decided not to.We were near one of the dust shops all the WFM and (Y/N) jumped off while I just waited on the bullhead.I really wanted to see the kids semblance in action.To my luck it didn't happen.They came back up to the bullhead I looked around trying to find a kid with (H/C) (H/L) and wearing (whatever you want).I couldn't find him.I was freaking out,Cinder is going to kill me if I don't find him! I turn around to see him behind me.He had his mask off and looked like if he saw a ghost.At this point I had to ask him "What happened?" and I'll I got in reply was him saying "I saw my sister she doesn't know about me being in the White Fang" I look at him if he was going to tell her."Your gonna tell her right?" He looked at me and said "No" I looked at him for a couple of minutes before going back to the base.

Pyrrha's POV
I got my scroll back and I ended up talking about (Y/N) to Ms.Goodwitch and how he was my brother and all that.When my team and I were walking around Vale we see a group of White Fang we decide to chase them.They we're pretty quick.One of them caught my eyes they had (H/L) (H/C) hair and they really reminded me of (Y/N).I realized he did call me in the morning during Goodwitches class.I decided to call him.I didn't get an answer.Huh weird.I call him a couple times and I finally get a reply.He really sounded out of breath."Hello?" He said.I was thinking to wether on telling him if he was part of the White Fang."Are you part of the White Fang?" I ask him.It was a quiet tension between the both of us until he replies "Yes,how did you.." The call ends."(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" I call him back a couple times still no answer."I hope he's alright" I think to myself.

Cinders POV
"Did you just tell your sister that your part of the White Fang!?!" I pushed him to the wall."I didn't I swear!" He waves his hands in the air."Lies!!" "Your gonna pay (Y/N)!" I tell him with venom in my words.I grab him by the neck and lift him in the air."Please Cinder! Let me go!" "Your not going anywhere Nikos." He looked at me with pure fear in his eyes.Before he could say anything I knocked him unconscious before anything worse would of happened."This is only the beginning." I dragged him into a chair and tied him up.Now all I have to do is to wait for him to wake up.I'm just having goosebumps on what I'm going to do to him.
-Time Skip-
I wake up into my pitched black room.I tried getting up but I couldn't and I realized I was tied to a chair."LET ME OUT OF THIS!" I yelled out."You can't your just gonna have to stay here" I turn my head everywhere trying to find the source of the voice."Please I want to go back to Pyrrha." I said."You can't after what you've done!" It was Cinders voice she sounded super hurt."Cinder come on I can make it up to you" I replied trying to deescalate the situation."HOW CAN YOU?!?" She yelled slapping me across the face."I'll make it up to you by.."

A/N How can (Y/N) make it up to her? Will Cinder ever forgive him? What does Pyrrha think of (Y/N) now? Find out in Untold Secrets!

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