Surprise! Part 7

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A/N What is should (Y/N)'s semblance be that involves fire?On to the story!

Arghh.My fricken head hurts like a mother trucker.I look up and the sky is dark and I see two figures.Thats when it hit me.That's Pyrrha and Cinder.I stay quiet before I realized that they were talking about me.One thing that hurt me a lot was that Cinder used me.She never loved me and I know she never will.Thats when I took a deep breath and stood up with tears in my eyes."You fucking bitch" I told Cinder.I saw a (F/C) aura go all around me.The only time I felt this rage was when Pyrrha did all that horrible stuff when I was at the hospital.I summoned a fireball and threw it at her.She was too much in a shock to even move.It hit her directly on the chest.She fell to the ground with a -THUD- I smiled knowing she will be down for a while.Thats when I took the opportunity to call the Vale police.I look to the side and saw a wide open mouth Pyrrha."It's been a while.Huh?" I told her.She didn't respond so I decided to hug her.I felt tears going on my shirt and I smiled."Hey let's meet up with that "Jauney" boyfriend of yours." I told her.Her face was as red as a brick wall.(Yes I just used a brick wall)
Pyrrha's POV
(Y/N) and I were walking on our way to Beacon catching up to each other and talking about everything up till today.When we got there I saw Team RWBY.They were flabbergasted that my brother was right next to me smiling."Hey.You must be team RWBY?" (Y/N) asked.Yang looked at him up and down and then said "Hey their hotstuff" she said with a smirk.(Y/N)'s face was redder than Ruby's cape.I started laughing at Yang's flirtatious joke.Thats when I realized that we needed to go talk to team RWBY but I was so caught up in my thoughts that I forgot that (Y/N) was caught up into a group conversation with RWBY.I sighed and turned around and saw my team walking towards up.(Y/N) saw how I was turned around and asked "Pyrrha what are you..." he turned around and saw my team and smirked."I'm looking for the team leader Jaune Arc." He said.Jaune raised his hand shyly."T-that w-would b-be me Mr.Nikos" he stuttered.I started laughing like crazy.(Y/N) looked at me and started laughing at me.Everyone was looking at Jaune and started laughing at what just happened.Then (Y/N) asked a question that I thought he was kidding about."Jaune,I got a question for you.Are you dating my sister?" Jaune and I were both blushing.(Y/N) started laughing again and said "I'm just messing with you Jaune." I started yawning.I realized that I was yawning really loudly and (Y/N) looked at me and smiled."His smile is really cute" I thought to myself."Cut it out Pyrrha!He's your brother not your boyfriend."I was looking at (Y/N) for a really long time because he picked me up and started walking me to my teams dorm.

"(Y/N) PUT ME DOWN!" Pyrrha yelled.I chuckled knowing this was going to real funny real quick."Nope." I started to follow Pyrrha's team before I felt something sting my back hard.I started to feel tired all of the sudden.I turned around to see a angry Cinder,Mercury and Emerald on a ledge with a smirk planted on all their faces.I put Pyrrha down and I fell to the ground due to exhaustion.

Cinders POV
I saw (Y/N) put down Pyrrha and fall down."Now our plan is now going into action" I told them.We made it into Beacon and saw that there were a bunch of students even including Pyrrha surrounding (Y/N).They look at the dart and Pyrrha turned around."You did this did you!?" Pyrrha asked.I laughed and all the students now that I realized is Pyrrha's friends."Mercury go for (Y/N) while me and Emerald hold off these students for you." I nodded while Mercury went where (Y/N) was.Everyone was trying to attack me and Emerald.All of their attacks were super easy to block.Except Pyrrha she tried with all her might trying to get back at me."Time to end this" I used what I learned from Salem and used it against everyone that was near my dear (Y/N).I threw multiple fireballs at them and they collapsed due to exhaustion.When I went to go look for Mercury he was laying on the floor unconscious.While (Y/N) wasn't were he was.I was pissed and yelled out his name "(Y/N)!" To no avail I commanded Emerald to pick up Mercury and leave.I lost some good potential.God dang it only if we could of gotten here sooner we would of had (Y/N) and none of this had to happen.We jumped into our bullhead that Roman and Neo were on.I yelled at the unconscious Mercury "WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU GET THE JOB DONE YOU BASTARD." I couldn't handle my anger and slapped him as hard as I could trying to take out my anger out on him.I was about to summon a fireball before Emerald stopped me."Cinder it's not worth it!" She told me.I sighed and got rid of my fireball.I muttered to myself "If he messes up one more time he is going to pay."
Pyrrha's POV
I woke up and saw everyone on the floor then I remembered what happened."(Y/N)!" I yelled. I looked in our dorm room and saw Ren laying on a bed while (Y/N) is laying down asleep  cutely on our couch with a blanket on him.I sighed in relief knowing my brother is safe.I went back out of our dorm room and saw everyone now waking up.I led them back to their dorm rooms with them replying with a "Thanks" Once I was done I realized that RWBY wasn't there during the fight.Once they got to Beacon they said they got into a fight with a big  animatronic thing.I thought they were kidding but the didn't sound like they were.They even said that Roman and what I now know her name is Neo escaped.I told them on what they missed out and they looked very worried."Is (Y/N) alright?" They asked in unison.I replied with a smile "Yes he is quite alright now if you need me I'll be in my dorm.I'll see you guys in the morning!" After that I said goodnight to them and went back to my dorm.

A/N How is Cinders next plan to work? How is (Y/N) going to react after what happened? What does (Y/N) with his semblance good or bad? Find out in in Part 8 of Untold Secrets!

Pyrrha!Sister! X Reader!Brother! Untold SecretsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu