Mr.Secret Keeper Part 12

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It's been a couple of weeks since I gained half of my memories back.I know who I am and who everyone is and who I'm dating.This week the students from Haven Academy came.There is a group of 3 students one with short mint Green hair one with short gray hair and the last one has long black hair.Every single time I pass them I always get a headache.I wake up and get dressed so I can go get breakfast and get ready for classes.I bumped into Ruby on the way out of the dorm.

(Y/N): Ruby! My bad! I wasn't watching where I was going!

Ruby: It's alright (Y/N) I was running so I wasn't looking where I was going.

After I helped her up we started walking to the cafeteria to get some food.I got some (F/F) while Ruby got some strawberry cookies.

(Y/N): Ruby one quick question.Why were you running this morning.

Ruby: I was kind of running away from Weiss because I knocked over some of her dust that she left out.

(Y/N): I'm guessing that the dust was very expensive if she got mad at you for some dust.

Ruby: Yeah.Plus She is very scary when she is mad.

(Y/N):Well that's Ice Queen for you.She's always mad.No matter what.

Ruby: True.

Weiss: RUBY!!

Ruby: Well It was nice talking to you (Y/N).Gotta Blast!

After that Ruby left and I left there by myself.I just sat there while eating my food.

Pyrrha's POV
I woke up and got dressed.It was like 8:12 classes start at 9:00.I got out of the dorm and saw Emerald,Mercury and Cinder.

Cinder: Hello there Pyrrha.How are you doing.

Pyrrha: I would be better if you were dead.

Cinder: Feisty are we?

Pyrrha: What are you up to now Cinder?

Cinder: Absolutely nothing •smirks•

Something was wrong.There was something off about her.I was about to leave to go to the cafeteria but Mercury and Emerald blocked my way.

Pyrrha: Get out of my way.

Mercury: No.

Pyrrha: Get out of my way Before I brake your legs.

Mercury: Like I said Before.I am not moving.

I got so close to Mercury's face that it would look like we were about to kiss.That's when I heard (Y/N) call me.

(Y/N): Pyrrha!

I turn around to see (Y/N) put his arm around me protectively.

(Y/N): Trying to take my girlfriend?

Mercury: That What I was trying to do before you came.

That's when (Y/N) punched Mercury in the face.I think I heard his nose crack or something like that.I look at Mercury to see that he had a bloody nose.We walked over him and we were about to go to class when (Y/N) stops and goes on one knee.

Pyrrha: (Y/N)! What's wrong?

(Y/N): I don't know every time when I look or pass them they give me major headaches.

Pyrrha: Can you stand up?

(Y/N): Yeah.Just give me a minute.

After at least a good 30 seconds (Y/N) asked for me to help him up which I did.He looked very pale and tired.

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