He opened the door that revealed the rooftop. His eyes scanned across the roof until he saw him, standing at the edge so dangerously looking down at the drop below.

"Simon!" He yells, getting the silver headed boy to turn around and face him, the tears rolled down his face onto his cheeks, the boy on the edge looked so distraught, so fragile. His skinny body looking so thin on top of the gigantic building. "What the fuck are you doing!" He screams, walking closer to the boy but still a far distance between the two.

"Get the fuck away from me Harry!" He screams. "How the fuck did you find me?"

"I saw your note, and I had a feeling that the note was more than just an apology, that it was also a goodbye," he states. "It wasn't a goodbye note, I had a goodbye note for you that was going to be given to you a few days later."

"What do you mean you had another note?" He questioned, his voice lacking the confidence he needed, it petrified him, seeing someone he had grown close to so close to their death. "Who?" He bellows louder, straining his vocal chords to their max to hide his anxiety.

"My mum would've slipped it into your room, it would've been the final goodbye."

"Your mum, Simon what the fuck, why is she in on it!" He screams, how stupid could this mother be to let her own child get away with trying to end his life. "She's been gone for so long, my death wouldn't impact her life that much anyway, she probably assumed I was dead for a long time before I showed up in the stupid place. She's been a shit mother, this is what I wanted, she would've delivered you the goodbye."

"Why? Why are you writing goodbye notes, why are you trying to end it all!" His voice loud, his tone begging for Simon to step down from the edge, to scared to go close in case it triggers Simon to jump.

"Look at me, I'm a mess, my life isn't worth it anymore!" His tears start up again as he wipes his face with his hands. "I'm just a sad, ugly guy who has too many problems and not enough strength to try."

"Your life is precious Simon," Harry says, taking a smoother approach to the situation. "You aren't ugly, your beautiful, and you do have strength, you just don't believe it."

"I don't have strength, I struggle to get out of bed sometimes!" He cries. "You managed to get up here," he says. "No I didn't, my mum helped me up here, then she left because she couldn't bare to watch me finish the job," he choked on his tears. "I would've been dead an hour ago but my legs needed time, so I sat smoking on the rooftop instead."

Your mum is fucked, he thought inside, not projecting it however.

"You should hate me," Simon adds, his eyes averting away from Harrys look of concern.

"Not enough to let you kill yourself!"

"I cheated on you," he says. "I was an idiot and cheated on you."

"So did I!" Harry confesses, not knowing what real good it did in this situation but said it anyway. "I was drunk and accidentally hooked up with Ashley, we both made our mistakes, I don't care that you cheated, I care that you don't do this!" He pleads.

"You had alcohol in your system, I was fully aware of what I was doing, Harry it wasn't a one time thing, I continuously kissed and hugged and even went further with another boy," Simon cries. "Who?" Harry asks intrigued.

"Callum," he says, that one word response ripping Harry's heart even more than it already was, he edges closer slightly, the proximity between them getting smaller. It stung more than Harry would admit, the fact his cousin had been sneaking around with his boyfriend, and he knew it.

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